remington 700 shots to the right


New member
I went and sighted in my Remington 700 adl in .270 on Sunday, I started at 50 yards to sight in and my second group was moa. But I fired another 5 shot group at 50 yards and every other shot was to the right, 3 dead center and 2 about 1/4" right. Is it possible that I need to break in the barrel or was that just my shooting?
Can you post any pictures of the targets? What were you using for a rest as well at the range? What type of M700 ADL, SPS, BDL, or CDL? The more info you can provide the better in these cases.
I do not have a picture of the targets but I was using a Remington 700 ADL with a synthetic stock and a matte blue finish 24" barrel withe the (from what I heard is crappy) Remington 3-9×40 scope factory mounted.
Since it is the ADL package with scope then I'd move out to 100 yards and see how you shoot. You said MOA so was your group 1/2 inch or less because that is what MOA would be at 50 yards? If you can keep your shot groups under 1.5" at 100 yards then you have a pretty good hunting rifle.

Things you can do that may help your rifle shoot more consistantly is bed the stock, have a trigger job done by a gun smith, and upgrade your optics. Give your rifle time to cool off between groups as well.
you would be well served to do two things.

First, disassemble and reassemble your rifle, checking for looseness around the action, then check with a paper shim to see if the barrel floats properly. there should be a little contact at the very front of the stock, but only on the bottom.

Then do the same thing with the scope and mounts, and if you have a spare, mount a different scope on it for testing if the stock fit is alright.

problems like this are a process of ruling out all of the possible flaws. stringing to the right like this seems to me to be a probable flaw in bedding.
I agree with nbkky71, my roommate had the same problem with his factory mounted scope with the ADL. He got a new scope and higher quality rings and hasn't had that problem since then.
Before you disassemble the rifle, check the scope mounts and the bedding of the barrel with paper as mentioned in previous posts. Are you shooting the same lot of ammo?

is there a possibility you are pulling your shots. Also make sure if you are using a rest the forearm is contacting in the same point with equal pressure. If none of these suggestions help, then you may to consider remounting the scope with new rings and bases. It helps if you can lap the rings prior to mounting and torque to spec.
3 dead center and 2 about 1/4" right.

Sounds like a bad case of Internet Expectations.
If the worst it does is half the shots 1/4" off at 50 yards, that is really pretty good for a hunting rifle, stories you read online notwithstanding.
5 shot group at 50 yards and every other shot was to the right, 3 dead center and 2 about 1/4" right.
Sounds like a 1/2" group to me. If the "left-right-left-right" thing bothers you, take your scope off and tighten the bases. But 1/2" ain't all that bad. . .
Try some different factory ammo. to see if improvement can be had! If not

1st... check stock and action fit. Remove stock inspect contact points for ant abnormalities. Reassemble make sure contact is complete and action screws are torqued properly.

** Now take rifle to range for accuracy check.. RUN a "box" check of your scope to check zero. 5 shots AT same point of aim
first... 2nd shot .eight clicks up and fire. 3rd shoot 8 clicks right fire...4th shot 8 clicks down fire.last shot 8 clicks left fire.

2nd...if no improvement remove scope rings and bases.
*Upgrade rings and bases.
*Install bases check for contact anomalies. Torque properly in place.
*Lap rings and bases to ensure even contact with scope. Torque properly
*Check scope fire box method again.

3rd...if no improvement return/replace scope.

4th...if no improvement then its probably the action/barrel problem.

Check action to barrel fit, check lans and grooves (fire lap maybe) set a 11degree target crown.

Or send rifle in to manufacturer for check
Internet tack driver , Not ?

:cool:He said what ? Obviously shooter error . There is no other reason all rounds shouldn't pass through the same hole . Just about every other sporting rifle on the internet can shoot caliber sized groups , yours should too ! Actually a quarter inch from centers is probably more like 1/4 MOA . It could be the rifle , there's alot of junk out there on the market these days . Seriously , if you can improve the performance of your rifle , please document everything you did and PM me with your results , inquiring minds want to know !
Try 5 shots again, BUT

Make sure your barrel gets a chance to cool. I recommend waiting at least 2 minutes between your shots.

I have a remington 742 in .30-06 (no it is not bolt action accurate) but it is very accurate for a semi auto. It will group 3 very well but as the barrel heats the rifle will throw high & right, not a lot but enough to mess up the grouping.
codyb1991 said:
I went and sighted in my Remington 700 adl in .270 on Sunday. ...But I fired another 5 shot group at 50 yards and every other shot was to the right, 3 dead center and 2 about 1/4" right. Is it possible that I need to break in the barrel or was that just my shooting?

The Remington ADL is a hunting rifle. From your description, it sounds like it's shooting just fine. 3 shots dead center and 2 shots 1/4" right is perfectly acceptable for a hunting rifle at 50 yards. It sounds to me like it's shooting pretty close to MOA. I'd move my target out to 100 yards and see how it shoots.

You might want to check to make sure screws are tight and try to bed it to the sandbags the same way each time. As your target moves further from the rifle, small inconsistencies in forearm pressure, cheek weld and trigger control will start to manifest in ways that will make your group open up.

All the other stuff folks recommended (upgrade mounts, rings, scope, bed the rifle, trigger job, etc) are fine to do as you are able to do them, but from the description, it sounds like you should learn your rifle before you start making changes.

I've seen uneven ring tightening throw off rounds.More pressure on one side of the rings then the other, make sure you tighten both sides evenly and that the gap is the same on both sides of scope rings.
I do loke the suggestion of going out and getting a ProStaff too!
Nikon Pro Staff
I used a box of Remington core lokts 130gr. In .270 and a box of federal 130 gr. Could have been the ammo. I'll check this weekend. But my barrel is not free floated, it has 2 nubbs at the start of the stock, can I file those down? And I double checked at the range that my mounts and rings were tight.

C, I have a custom .300 WinMag that shoots about 2" MOAwith 180 gr. bullets and .5 MOA with 190 Grain Hornadays. Go figure, but guess what I shoot out of it? 190 all day long.
Codyb1991, You could file those nubs off. I have on two of my own 700 plastic stocks. I then super-glued a thin leather pad back in the end of the channel. It made no difference either way. I did remove some material out of the side of the barrel channel as it looked like it was pressing on one side more than the other.

There's nothing wrong with those plastic stocks, if everything is fitting nice. My SPS will shoot occasional .5 MOA groups if I let the barrel cool between shots, and then it will shoot 15 consecutive rounds—hot—into about an inch or 1.15" with HP or BT (Vmax) factory ammo. 75 percent of those 15 rounds are inside of .75 MOA.
