Remington 700 misfire


New member
Anyone ever had anything similar happen to them or am I insane. I was at Cherry Ridge today and I was about to shoot my very 1st round through my new remington 700 sps tac in .308. Gun has the safety on and I put a round in, closed the bolt and when I flipped the safety to fire the gun discharged. Holy crap, scared the hell out of me and hurt my thumb from the recoil. Thank god I had it pointed down range. I'm going to email Remington about after I get a chance to get the rifle from the car and check it out but was curious if anyone else had it happen and if it is a known problem that Remington can fix.

PS: I didnt try it again to see what would happen because it scared the hell out of me.
This is not unheard of on the older Remingtons. There have been several lawsuits over the years and the safety was redesigned years ago to help prevent this. Supposedly this has been corrected with the new trigger.

Is this a new gun? Has someone adjusted the trigger to lighten the pull? Quite possible someone did this and they did not know what hey were doing.
I had something similar happen to me on a new Remington 700 BDL 30-06 about six years ago. I was deerhunting with my daughter and as I was ejecting the shell in the chamber the gun discharged and almost took my thumb off. Thank goodness the gun was pointed up and away from us. And, before you say anything I'll say this: No my finger wasn't on the trigger.
Rem. safety probs.

I am surprised more people have not heard of the Rem. safety problems, Rem. denies it, but LA Swat pulled all the triggers out of their duty rifles and changed them out several years ago because of it.

I had a 700 do it to me and I could not get any satisfaction from the CS people and I sold it to a guy for a few bucks. I have no room for a rifle I can't trust.

Glad to hear all are safe due to good safety practices.

The firing on safety release was an existing problem with the old Remington triggers (2 lever Walker style) sold for many years. The new X-Mark pro trigger supposedly corrected this problem.

The old triggers when adjusted to lighten pull would often have the same problem if the overtravel and sear engagement were not properly reset.

Contact Reminton CS immediately. If at some point you do not regain your faith in the rifle I would suggest having another quality trigger installed. There are many makers out there, Rifle Basix, Shilen, Jewel, etc....all should return you to a comfort zone. Not an expensive cure and generally a nice improvement.

Anyone ever had anything similar happen to them or am I insane. I was at Cherry Ridge today and I was about to shoot my very 1st round through my new remington 700 sps tac in .308. Gun has the safety on and I put a round in, closed the bolt and when I flipped the safety to fire the gun discharged. Holy crap, scared the hell out of me and hurt my thumb from the recoil. Thank god I had it pointed down range. I'm going to email Remington about after I get a chance to get the rifle from the car and check it out but was curious if anyone else had it happen and if it is a known problem that Remington can fix.

This is a known problem and is the reason why Remington changed its safety so that the bolt is no longer locked down when the safety is engaged. Now you can empty the chamber and magazine without having to take the safety off.

A Club Graybeard told me of two gentlemen whose Hardware Store new M720's fired through the floorboards when the safety was taken off. This event would have occurred in the early 50's.

You can do a web search and you will find technical descriptions on the design defect.

I really dislike these sear over ride mechanisms precisely because of these issues. I would much rather have the good old safe military two stage trigger in my rifles, but sear over ride is all you can get.
I appreciate all the replys, I think the thing that bothers me the most is the trust factor, which is very important to me and evneryone else. I literally havent taken the rifle out of the car to clean it, until I can look at it alone after the kids go to bed. I was lucky it was at the range and I was following all the safety rules. I always thought stuff like this only happened when someone did something wrong, I guess not.

I am hoping Remington can fix it. It was the new x trigger so they obviously didnt fix everything. I just hope they can take care of it.
New gun untouched by anyone. Accutrigger, rifle is from 2008.
Thinking you meant Xmark trigger? Rem doesn't use the accutrigger. I agree with everyone else call your Remington authorized repair center and have it looked at.
These stories never cease to amaze me.

Every person who posts to a gun board should have enough smarts to perform an operations and safety check on their firearm before loading it.
a safety and function test would not always identify the problem as the rifle does not always fire when the safety is moved to the fire position. OP sounds like he knows what he is doing.
Thanks, trust me there is nothing visibly wrong with the rifle. I checked it last night after the kids went to bed. Checked the if there was anything that happened after the trigger was pulled and then moved from safety to fire (which is what people blamed the former issues on) Without a round loaded and the safety removed, the trigger doesnt move. Like I said thank god it happened at the range and not while hunting or anything. I have 2 little girls so I am paranoid about safety.

yes, it is the X-mark trigger was looking at a Savge online when posting.

Remington said they dont know of any problems with the new trigger. Asked how far Gander Mountain was from me and when I said over an hour they said they would ship me a label to send it in for repair.
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I have a 700 LVSF that did that when it was new. I ended up pulling the trigger group and flushing it with brake cleaner spray.... Guess what? Steel shavings flushed out of it. I never had a problem after that but not long after I replaced it with a Rifle Basix trigger.
That should never happen, if anything should work on a firearm it should be the safety. Dying to see how long it takes to get back.
That should never happen, if anything should work on a firearm it should be the safety.
Really, the last thing I ever rely on is the safety. Safeties are nice but they can never replace the one between the ears. I never trust anything mechanical to work 100% correctly all the time. The best thing you did was practce proper gun control by having it positoned in a safe direction.

Never once here or anywhere else I've found has it ever been talke about trusting a mechanical safety. IMO the only time a firearm is safe is when the bolt is either removed or locked in an open position. A mechanical safety is only there to protect the firearms manufacture not the shooter.