Remington 700 Extractor


New member
I couldn't find anything on this with the search engine other than my previous post. So here goes.

Reading all the posts on this site and others has made me paranoid about the extractor on my Remington Model 700. What does it take to add the M16 or Sako extractor to the 700? What is an average price? Are there any websites that show this? Am I just reading these sites too much or paranoid? Was there more than one shooter? Are there really aliens? Is the New World Order more than wrestlers on television? My head hurts, I'm going to lie down now. Thanks for your help.
Can't tell you the price, but the bolt must be milled to accept a new extractor. This would inevitably compromise the touted "three" rings of steel surrounding the case head and you'd be down to two rings. Oh well, the three rings wasn't anything new on the 700 and it was a Marketing Dept. decision to help sell the gun.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I have fired the 700 a lot, in various calibers, and have never had an extractor problem. I think the "problem" is badly overblown. Of course, some people who load to very high pressures experience extraction problems, but that is not the fault of the rifle or the extraction system.

As for the rifle itself, I know of one case where I am pretty sure only the Remington "three ring" breech saved the shooter from serious problems. The flip side is that he said he would never have loaded so hot in any other rifle.

I install them for $75 incuding the extractor itself but the customer has to pay return shipping. The bolt must be milled and two holes drilled into the milled area. George
Thanks gentlemen,
I read your replies and talked to a very respected local gunsmith on the way home.
He agreed with all of you. Basically he said that he had not seen a failure of the Remington extractor that wasn't caused by fools reloading or 10 year old rifles that had never been cleaned. Then as I was walking out the door he said that he personally would want a mauser type extractor for hunting dangerous game. LOL.
Don't worry about it. In 40 years I can count the ones I have seen fail on one hand and they failed on brand new rifles due to improper heat treat. Do you think the Army would have them on their sniper rifles if there was a safety problem? I can tell you first hand that when you install a M16 or Sako extractor that if you blow a primer the extractor will become shrapnel. We do a lot of them but I always tell the customer that we do it at his risk. Prices run from 55 to a hundred . Just depends on who you get to do it.
Don't worry about it. In 40 years I can count the ones I have seen fail on one hand and they failed on brand new rifles due to improper heat treat. Do you think the Army would have them on their sniper rifles if there was a safety problem? I can tell you first hand that when you install a M16 or Sako extractor that if you blow a primer the extractor will become shrapnel. We do a lot of them but I always tell the customer that we do it at his risk. Prices run from 55 to a hundred . Just depends on who you get to do it.