Remington 700 cycling problem


New member
Having trouble with a Remy 700 in 25-06. Firing pin will often not cock when cycling the bolt. Bolt can be cycled with safety engaged but firing pin will fall as soon as safety is released. Worn sear safety cam? What else could be the cause? Help is greatly appreciated.
Or there is dirt or some other debris inside the housing that is preventing the trigger from engauging the sear bar.
It is my uncle's gun that had the problem. I broke the gun down today and fixed it. It was a combination of a very dirty trigger and a misadjusted trigger. Some carb cleaner and a little tweaking with the trigger did the trick. Seemed like he used WD-40 to oil it because of the brown gunk in the trigger and bolt. Smooth as glass now and he'll get it back tomorrow; definitely in time for hunting season.
Per Timney, lighter fluid is great for cleaning trigger mechanisms. The light residue left by the lighter fluid is also all the lubing necessary. If the engagement (rear screw on housing) is turned in too much, the problem you described will occur. I wouldn't adjust a Remmy 700 trigger below about 2.5#, or maybe even 3#. Adjust the engagement screw until the action fires, without the trigger being pulled, then back the screw out about 1/2 turn. Do the safety checks. I rap the side of the action sharply with a rubber hammer, as part of my "safety drill."