Remington 700 CDL


New member
Need some opinions. Now I'm primarily a Mauser / Winchester M70 kind of guy...but I fondled a Remington 700 CDL in a local store not too far back. I can say it was a very nice rifle and I'm intrigued. However, I do run across opinions that their quality control has gone down hill...

What say the experts here? I've always wanted a 25-06 and what better rifle to get than the 700 CDL? Is the Remington 700 CDL a quality rifle, and are the complaints mainly for the new, low budget rifles?


I just picked up a cdl this weekend. I havnt shot it yet but I havnt found a thing wrong with it yet. I'm spoiled so the trigger will get replaced if I can't get it where I want. All manufacturers are gona have a few bad ones skip by. Family reunion and bad weather have kept me tied down this weekend.
I agree with last post. Picked husband up a 30-06 in a CDL. Great wood and good looking rifle. One hour at the gunsmith with no drop in trigger he had fixed it to 2.5 lbs for $40.00. Prints cloverleafs with 190 grain accubonds we've reloaded oursel. First wooden gun other than lever actions we've owned in a long time. Our gun smith said the bedding was perfect.
I prefer the control round feed bolt action rifles, but I have a few Remingtons. There is nothing wrong with them. If I find a good deal on a Remington, I won't pass it up.
"...the trigger will get replaced..." Factory trigger is user externally adjustable.
The difference between an entry level SPS($731 MSRP) and the 700 CDL($1029 MSRP) is the fit and finish of the stock and metal plus the stock's material. Same thing otherwise. Except of course for the MSRP and the fact that the SPS doesn't come in .25-06. Mind you, not much does any more.
What's your budget and purpose for having a .25-06? 'Purpose' is about the desired barrel weight.
Winchester still offers the 25-06 in the featherweight, the shorter, and the extreme weather. I've always been a die hard winchester fan but I have accumulated more remingtons here lately. I did notice that all the remingtons except for the adl are listed as having a muzzle crown. Not sure why that is?
Bought two lightweight 700 matte blue Mountain Rifles that are CDL. I like light weight rifles as does my Lady. She's kind'a partial to that 25-06. Of course I down load its cartridges for her target shooting amusement.

First models to hit the market place quite some time ago they both are.. 270 is light brown in color. 25-06 is a dark Hersheys chocolate looking walnut. Such a pretty colored wood the chocolate one has.. And the (only way I can tell them apart) Both shoot excellent tight groups. About the size of 3 leaf clover at 150. Last Fall not having a trigger scale nor wanting to invest in one. I myself changed out both rifles factory triggers with Timneys. (Piece of cake to do.)_ 270s trigger was set at factory to 2-1/2 lbs. 25-06 is factory set at 2 lbs.(<wife's preference) Trigger break points are simply fabulous. No creep what-so-ever in either Timney.

Both have spilt deer blood in front of my deer stand. Haven't encountered any problems with either in all the years I've had them. One thing I've come to appreciate over the years. They both shoot so flat and spot on from 25 ft to 150 yards. Just aim & pull their triggers and the bullets hits right there in the exact spot you aimed for. (Wind rain & snow no matter.)
Haven't shot a deer in the ribs in many years. My 270 is so accurate Head & spine shots directly above the front leg are so easy to accomplish its almost to too easy. The same can be said of the 25-06 also. Terrific shooters.

I've never lost a clip or had one drop out without squeezing there Clip Drop Latches. Once shoved into place and you hear the latch ears click. That Clip: its there until you remove it.
If interested in a 25-06 >buy it.< If your a home reloader surprisingly that 1/4 bore cartridge can be up-loaded to near 257 Weatherby speed. I found with >her< 25-06 seating 87 gr Hot Cor Speers are just to fast for deer. Better suited for blowing up varmints at 2-3-400 yards away.
I've been shooting 100 gr. in my~ oops the wife's 1/4 bore for years Still plenty fast and flat but not~ ~um~ ~quite as meat damaging as the 87 is on any deer size animal and smaller.

Just so you know Nunya53. If some other says there's little difference between a 1/4 bore 06 and a 243 oh really. Lol ~~~lol_Yup. _In their mind only!!