Remington 700 CDL in 257 weatherby


Hello, new to firing line. I got a REM. 700 cdl last month and bought a box of 100 grain spire points and a box of barnes 80 grain ttsx. Both bullets shoot sub moa but in different spots on the target. If i zero the spire point at 100 yards the grouping for the barnes will be 3 inches low and 3 inches to the right of the spire point grouping. I figured they would group in different spots but i thought the barnes would group higher than the spire point since it is a flatter shooting bullet. Am i thinking backwards on this?
it has to do with barrel vibration more than velocity. some clibers are know to be better at hitting same point of impact with different bullets than others. If your groups are that far apart you have to choose one or the other. ED K
I shoot only Weatherby ammo.257 115gr. BST,and I get excellent performance,same hole on two out of three shots