Remington 700 BDL in 30-06

have been eye balling this Remington 700 BDL in 30-06 with a 22" barrel at the local gun store,its used but this rifle is in great shape. no knicks on the stock or barrel & the rifling is still sharp, bluing is a good deep solid blue.

comes with a deerfield 2x-7x scope, its not as sharp and clear as the Leupolds but the price on it is set at 495$ & the gentlemen at the shop are more than happy to negotiate a family price on it.

i did notice that the barrel is tapped for rifled sights yet did not come with any
no big deal but would be nice if they were at least the mounting screws are still there
this would be my first bolt action and first 30-06 caliber long gun, id like to know your opinion on this buy ?

worth the price ? good caliber ? pro's & con's on this rifle ?

your feedback is appreciated
One question I would have is has the trigger been homesmithed? If you get it, I would look a replacing the trigger with an aftermarket trigger.

Recently on a different hunting forum, a member posted his 700 fired as he chambered a round and nothing was near the trigger. At least two other members said they had the same experience with a Remington 700. I do not know if any of these triggers were adjusted outside of the factory.

How does the muzzle crown, chamber, bolt and rifling look? I would also check to make sure the stock is not cracked.
Scope is junk. I wouldn't even factor it in the price and ask them to take it off. Might be off the price that way, and take your savings to ebay and get a deal on a used Leuopold.
That said $495 strikes me as pretty low for a 700 BDL. What kind of.condition is it in? Id good. Look at bore, from both the muzzle and chamber. Check out trigger, check barrel and stock fit. What shape is the stock in ( and check out that trigger.

(interesting, I checked this out this morning. I had posted this from my Kindle Fire. I assume that's why so many periods are showing up).
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You can always get the factory iron sights from Remington with the screws and put on if you want.

And good advise on the trigger.
Great gun for the price and a 700 is a great gun period. Everyone likes a deal so tell him you'd give him $400.00 cash first and see what he says if not then 450.00 will buy this gun. 30-06 really good caliber. You want regret it!
The 700 BDL is a great gun and if it's in as good of condition as you say that is a pretty good price. I don't think you'd regret purchasing it.
Remington 700 BDL is a great rifle and 30-06 is a great caliber.
If you can get it for $400 it would be a good, but not great, deal.
I would replace the scope with something better... the rifle deserves it.
It came from the factory with iron sights, someone removed them later and used filler screws in the holes. I would leave it as is, but you can buy replacement sights if that is important to you.

The price is probably a little on the high side, but not unreasonable if you really like that gun. If you are impressed by pretty wood and bluing then it is probably fair. Just be aware that many new guns will most likely outshoot it, for less money, but will not have the fancy wood and metal finish. Depends on how you plan to use the rifle.

Recently on a different hunting forum, a member posted his 700 fired as he chambered a round and nothing was near the trigger. At least two other members said they had the same experience with a Remington 700. I do not know if any of these triggers were adjusted outside of the factory.

Because of a quirk in a Remington trigger, ANY 700 made prior to 2007 could, in very rare cases, fire without pulling the trigger. It is rare, but has been well known for 40-50 years. Adjusting the trigger too light could make it more likely, but unmodified guns will do this quite often too. Remington addressed the problem in the early 80's by redesigning the guns safety so that the gun could be unloaded with the safety still in the "SAFE" position. Since almost all of these incidents happen when guns are being unloaded this almost completely stopped the problem. If this gun is a pre 80's model that locks the bolt closed when in "SAFE", and must be moved to the "FIRE" position to unload, the chances of this happening are much greater. Remington redesigned their trigger starting in 2007 and the new guns should not have this issue.

I own several Remingtons, including one that has fired without pulling the trigger and it still wouldn't keep me from buying another if I liked the gun. Personal preferece, but there are other brands I prefer, but the trigger issue is not the reason.
That sounds like a great price for a BDL, depending on condition of course. I just bought a Remington 700 .270 BDL at Cabela's a couple weeks back, and paid $600.00, although this one is mint and has a 3X9-40 Bushnell scope. I thought I got a fair deal, but then again, if you see something and you WANT it, does an extra $50.00 or so matter that much in the long run?

About that "Trigger issue" folks keep bringing up... If you watched MSNBC's "Remington Under Fire", you should watch the OTHER half of the story, the half built on facts, not shoddy and subjective reporting. Watch Remington's point by point response on Youtube or on their website (link is below). It seperates the hard facts from emotionaly charged fiction. Many evidence based and indisputable facts are mentioned here, that MSNBC "forgot" to mention, or questions they failed to ask. The testimonys MSNBC's "experts and Insiders" provided were subjective as well. Remington's website does a great job of laying out the truth.
If the trigger system has not been altered, and you are careful not to bump the trigger when you close the bolt (as many do and then after they cause a horrific accident and shoot someone, they BLAME THE GUN and sue...$$$$:rolleyes:), you shouldn't have any issues. Muzzle control is ALWAYS #1, not the safety. Never trust ANY safety of ANY gun...EVER. My father warned me about closing bolts on rifles and shotguns years ago, as it is easy to accidently fire them if you are not careful.

All that being said, the BDL is one Damn nice gun. I'm VERY happy with mine. It is far more accurate than I can ever hope to be. And she is Very easy on the eyes.
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I've seen Remingtons response and don't need Remington to tell me what can and can't happen when I've seen it with my own eyes. If you watched the CNBC program and learned anything new, you are very new to shooting, or have been living under a rock for at least 30 years. This problem has been well known, and well documented long before CNBC ever existed.

Remingtons with unaltered factory triggers have been doing this since the 1960's. The engineer who designed the gun discovered the flaw during the 1960's and urged Remington to change to a different trigger over 40 years ago. That information has been in the public record since at least the 1980's, so don't accuse CNBC of a smear campaign. The Remington "Moment" as it is now called has been reported on national news programs off and on again since the early 1980's with the same information being put out. Just involving different folks.

Remingtons "Other" part of the story is a carefully crafted lawyer statement that very carefully dances all around the truth. Lawyers spend years in school learning exactly how to word statements meant to confuse and hide the truth, without crossing a line into perjury.

The part of the truth that Remington does not want out is this:

The pre 2007 Remington trigger is much more complex, with several parts requiring closer tolerences than any other trigger. Remington claims they have never had a trigger malfunction, unless the trigger was dirty, or had been adjusted improperly. I believe that much to be a true statement.

But because of the design, a tiny spec of debris in the right spot in a Remington trigger will essentially release the firing pin without the trigger being pulled. As soon as the gun owner moves the safety to the "FIRE" position, or closes the bolt, the gun fires. As soon as the debris moves the problem goes away. This is why it is so difficult to duplicate. And why it is so rare. Something as small as a single granule of unburned gunpowder could cause this. With any other trigger design a handful of mud thrown into the trigger would not cause this malfunction.

And this simply does not happen with ANY other brand of rifle. Depending on the sources you want to believe Remington has had between 5,000 to 10,000 incidents reported to them. There are lots of different rifles you can buy, and I'm sure many of them have altered, or dirty triggers, but no one is accusing them of firing without pulling the trigger.

Adjusting the trigger improperly, or having a dirty trigger will increase the odds that this will happen, but it has happened to an awful lot of perfectly clean, unaltered guns. Including mine.
I know this is an old thread, but I bought the same gun, a 1992 model, in like new condition, for $500. I did some shopping around and came up with $450+ for guns in much worse condition. I can't see that the one I bought had even been fired. No powder residue, copper fouling, bolt head had no copper, or residue on it, nothing. Serial number check with Remington as well as their barrel stamp code put it at a 1992 model. I just got it in July. I'd say $495 is a pretty good deal. It may have been high a few years ago, but I couldn't find a beater for less than $450.
Check the serial numbers to see if it was manufactured during the Cerberus reign. If not, inspect it closely and buy if it passes muster. If it was built during the Cerberus reign, be wary - Big Green's QC has declined of late.