Remington 51...What year?


Hello! This is my first post and I was hoping to find out what year the Remington Model 51 is that my Grandfather gave me. It stamped 380 on the magazine so at least I've narrowed down the caliber, I wasn't sure as my Grandfather had a box of .32's in close proximity to it. The serial number is PA5127


No detailed info in general, but there were 65,000 manufactured between 1918-1926. You can extrapolate and get an approximation of yearly production.

FYI, it is the exception to the rule of pocket automatics in that more were produced in .380 than .32.
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With the Serial number so low...I came to the same conclusion. Is there a book or a reference that would what serial number range went with what years??
Is there a book or a reference that would what serial number range went with what years??

Not to my knowledge. Your best bet would be to contact Remington and see if they have production records from that era.
There have been some articles on the Remington 51 in past issues of the annual Gun Digest.

You might be able to find back issues at a library.
If I can find it, there is a web site dedicated to this and other Remington's. Lots of information but I think it requires joining.

Just for grins, how is the trigger pull? I have a 1400+ serial numbered .380 Model 51 in wonderful conditon but the trigger pull is horrible. I have read that this was corrected later on but I don't know when.