Remington 1958 new model 44


Wondering if I could get opinions if this one looks correct, other than reblue, and what it might be worth.
Civil war proofed, anyone can do that, A stamps? No better pics at this time.


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With all the replicas out there, trying to determine if it's the real thing over the internet is probably not the most prudent of things to do.
Even the guys on those pawn shop tv shows don't chance it without checking with an expert.
Just a thought.
I would not buy it without seeing it in person, don't want to make the drive if not worth the gas is all.
Nor am I sure about value in that condition.
But things I have bought online haven't been a problem through the years to be fair.
Don't know the FIRST THING about them. But I've always very much admired the lines on that particular model. Darned thing looks FAST, even standing still.
Could be, hard to tell just looking at a picture. With all the replicas around you need to give it to an expert to check. If you can take a look at it, take a look at the bore; very few replicas were made with progressive twist like the originals.

An original Remington 1858 with original finish (not reblued, which would decrease the value) was going on for around 2200-2800 $ last I looked for one in Europe, in solid to good shape (online, the closest one for sale is two days of driving away).
It looks good but you'll want to check for a barrel address and single letter inspectors marks. Serial number will be on the bottom barrel flat and under the left grip. Hard to tell from the pics but looks to have some pitting. The cone front sight is correct for early production. Without better pics and assuming it's in the condition I think it is I'd say around 1200.
Most ridiculous thing I ever saw, could not get this guy to call me back and he is a half mile down the road. Someone got a deal or got took. Doesn't show the stamps, serial there, claims address is there. Don't see a letter behind trigger on left or anywhere else, and hand grip screw is suspicious, maybe grps too good. but good otherwise?
I wanted to see it, but my own fault I guess, as I was at a b-day party at my daughters and missed the call earlier today.
So passed, looked at it till 4 minuets till end of auction.

Not same as above, was watching a couple