Hi everyone. I have been toying with the idea of purchasing an autoloader for my sporting clays and skeet shooting habit. I have always used pumps for these pursuits, and while they definitely perform great, there are a couple of shots on my home course where an auto, or O/U, for that matter would be a great help. I was leaning rather heavily towards an 11-87 premier 12 ga., as I owned one years ago and really liked it... it complements the 870 in the handling dept. rather nicely. However, all my gun club buddies are steering me toward a Browning gold or Beretta 390 or 391, stating they are much more durable. I shoot 100 to 150 rounds per week most of the year. Will the 11-87 drive me nuts with broken parts, or will I be happier with the gun I would prefer. I won't buy it however, if it won't hold up in the long run. As a last note, I would do 99% of my shooting with 3 dram, 1-1/8 oz. loads. Thanks for the advise!
Pat Brophy
Pat Brophy