Remington 11-87 upland special


New member
I've been eyeing this gun and it has everything I want in a shotgun; 3" chamber and short overall length for speed.
My concern is the 23" barrel.
How much does barrel length affect shot pattern? I've heard that all you really need is 15"
12" in barrel and 3" for choke. The choke is what makes all the difference.
Is this true?
Uhh, no!! That is not true, plus you would have a barrel that is too short per federal regs (16 on rifles and I think it is the same or 18 on shotguns).

Also, the 23or 24 inch barrel is great for upland birds (grouse, quail, partridge, etc..) or shooting clays on the range. It allows you to swing and aquire the fast moving birds much easier than with a "normal" 28 or 30 barrel. Plus if you are moving through brush it is just easier with a shorter barrel to mauveur through the brush.

Also the 11-87 is a fine gun and you can get a longer 28 or 30 inch barrel later for duck or goose hunting. For hunting purposes I would not go shorter than the 23/24 inch barrel, but have a spare 18.5 barrel for one of my mossbergs to use as a home defense gun.
I was a little off.
I can't find anything claiming that barrel length affects shot pattern, so I will still assume the relationship is moot when a choke is involved in the set up.

I did however, find articles claiming the irrelevance of barrel length and velocity.'shotgun barrel length velocity'

point taken on the legality issue. I was just speaking from a "what if" position.
I have a 12 Gauge, 1100 Special Field with a 21" barrel and it shoots fine for me. I also have a 23", 20 Gauge, 11-87 that seems too long, after having the 21" gun for several years.
