Reminder for Kalifornians

We are down to a couple days before the BS safety law takes effect. Basically, most to all pocket pistols will be banned as they don't have the manual safety, internal safety, and other BS Kalifornia wants. Get your pocket pistols while you still can!
I feel for you people in Kali. But, hey, just think of how much safer you'll all be after Jan. 1, 2001. No more crime, no more gun-toting criminals, the ability to walk wherever you damn well please without fear of attack. Yup, no doubt about it, legislation is the answer to all problems. Thank God we have the annointed (politicians) and the fools who vote for them to lead us out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

BTW, here in Colorado we have seen a big influx of Kalifornians over the past few years, which has me worried. They are bringing the same ideas with them about govt's. role in people's lives, and I'm afraid in another decade or so, Colorado could be in for some of that Kali-style crap you all are experiencing. I just wonder how many of the people crawling here from the golden state are doing so to escape the paradise they voted for in years past.

Oh yeah, merry Christmas.
Quantum, don't go panicking those poor folks in the Republic of Kalifornia. All Glocks have been tested and approved, along with all the other quality firearms. What you won't see are Bryco, Phoenix, Raven, HiPoint, Lorcin, Davis, Bersa, Makarov, etc. Go to

for the up to date list.

Effective January 1, 2001, no handgun may be manufactured within California, imported into California for sale, lent, given, kept for sale, or offered/exposed for sale unless that handgun model has passed firing, safety, and drop tests and is certified for sale in California by the Department of Justice.

This query will return handgun models that are currently certified for sale in California.

Private party transfers, curio/relic handguns, certain single-action revolvers, and pawn/consignment returns are exempt from this requirement.
What you won't see are Bryco, Phoenix, Raven, HiPoint, Lorcin, Davis, Bersa, Makarov, etc.

It is not just junk guns that won't pass. There are many QUALITY pocket pistols that won't pass. NAA Gaurdian, NAA minis, Kel Tec 32, Beretta pocket .22s/.25s to name just a few.

[Edited by Quantum Singularity on 12-28-2000 at 05:31 PM]
And I certainly wouldn't rate a Makarov in the same league as the pot metal Bryco, Phoenix, Raven, HiPoint, Lorcin, and Davis throwaways...
I guess revolver shooters are out of luck. I noted that only Ruger seems to have any comprehensive list of revolvers. No S&W other than .22 and .38 guns. (no 686 for example). No Taurus at all. No Dan Wesson at all. Oddly enough, most of the S&W guns that are approved appear to be "belly guns". Snub nosed .38's basicly.
It's Now Or Never!

The Beretta .22s and .25s might pass then if Beretta submits them for testing. But, the NAAs and Kel Tecs without manual safeties likely will NOT pass.

Keltec has already stated that they will NOT be submitting ANY guns for testing in CA. If you are looking for Keltec in CA, you've only got 6 more shopping days.

'Course you can still buy used, pre2001 handguns private sale via FFL next year.
Will someone please explain the constitutionality of "one-gun-per-month?" If something is legal to purchase, can the government limit the quantity? It's like saying you can only buy one car a month or one TV a month? :confused:
"...the constitutionality of 'one-gun-per-month?'"

quickad, it can't be explained because it isn't Constitutional. It's just another way of nibbling at our rights. The powers that be have seen they can get away with this, so expect idiocy like this to continue.

It would be nice if someone challenged this in court and it was struck down, but who runs the courts? Big G, so don't expect a fair, objective hearing from most of those folks.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: We all know (or should know) where this is headed. EVERY single imposition, regulation, model ban, etc. is just another step towards the ultimate goal--an outright ban on ownership and the confiscation of private firearms in America. Once you've accepted the premise that any government (local, state, federal) has the authority to do this, or any of the other un-Constitutional things it does (which nearly all of us have accepted to one degree or another), then it's only a matter of time before they become all-powerful and you live only by their permission.

I'll stop now because this reply has veered into the area of another forum.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: We all know (or should know) where this is headed. EVERY single imposition, regulation, model ban, etc. is just another step towards the ultimate goal--an outright ban on ownership and the confiscation of private firearms in America.

I am forced to agree with you. This country is headed to a no guns for civilians way.