Remind me.....


New member
Remind me again who would have been a better choice than Bush?.......And why? I can't even remember who he ran against last......
He ran against Kerry last....and as for better candidates, from what I've heard, even some ofthe Libertarian candidates are jerks.

That's our political system at the moment.... :rolleyes:
It's great seeing all of the Bush voters who are resorting to the "Kerry would have been worse" line. It may be true, it may not. But why can't people come out and say it?

"They both suck!"
Sure they both suck. What to do next time? Not vote? Vote for the lesser of 2 evils? (thats what I did), Or vote for Charlton Heston, knowing durn well he won't win?
It seems that Bush is good for gun rights, BAD for illegal immigration reform.
Refusing to secure our southern border is the one big axe I have to grind with him.

Oh, and that damn Dubai/UAE ports deal HAS GOT TO GO...:barf: :barf:
They have to make too many deals just to get elected. Their agenda is bought and paid for by the time they ascend to office.
If you bribe a police officer or a judge they will throw you in jail. If you bribe a lawmaker they call you a lobbyist and give you a seven figure salary.
Until we throw the money changers out of the temple our democracy will continue to decline.
Excuse the rant....this one gets to me.
You mean the Bush vs Not Bush election right?

Funny thing is the democrats would have won if they hadn't drug up the slimiest, scummiest looser they could find to run.
During the last election it occured to me that the nomination of John Kerry must have been as disappointing to the Democrats as the nomination of that feeb Bob Dole was in 1996 for the Republicans. I'm from Kansas but it was apparent to me Dole was too old and slow to beat BC.:)
I can't even remember who he ran against last......

It was that guy who consistently supports more restrictive gun control laws, and who voted against legislation that prohibits frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers. Wait a minute, maybe I'm wrong -- I think that he actually voted pro-Second Amendment before he voted against it.... :D
"It's great seeing all of the Bush voters who are resorting to the "Kerry would have been worse" line. It may be true, it may not. But why can't people come out and say it?"

I don't have to say it. As far as I'm concerned, Kerry, or ANY individual running on the Democratic platform, would be worse than Bush.

I'd vote for a maggot infested, impossible-to-identify road kill baking in the South Georgia sun before I voted voted for presidential candidate running under the Democratic banner.


Because I have absolutely no interest in participating in the Democrats visions for equal distribution of wealth (aka highway robbery), political correctness (aka we can be as hateful as we want when we're talking about you, but you can't say anything at all), sensible gun laws (aka, if you own a gun, you'll be jailed), crime control (aka, oh you poor underpriviledged man, have some free money and don't worry about those two robberies/murders)...

Yeah, I know, the way things are going the Republicans aren't much better.

But that still provides more than ample comfort room.
I suppose the question is why didn't he pull more votes. Lack of name recognition? Lack of ideas, publicity or a solid party platform? I'm sure there are many hardworking intelligent people out there who could run this country as well as some of our elected officials, but being able to do it and having the resources at hand to get elected are two entirely different things.

I had forgotten that Ralph Nader managed to finish third. :o

"Badnarik polled just under 400,000 popular votes nationwide, in the November 2, 2004 election, taking 0.34% of the popular vote and placing fourth, just behind Ralph Nader."
My personal opinion is it really doesn't matter who you vote into office. It's our system that's corrupt and needs change.

When did our public servants become the powerful and We the People become subjects that do as we're told?

In my opinion , that's what it's come down to.

Doesn't matter whose president. Our countries bureaucracy has become so convoluted and bloated nothing gets done like it should anymore and the real powers in this coutry hide behind the politics and politicians who just serve as mouth pieces and pacifiers.