Rememberance - Please post here once


For the sake of rememberance, I pray for fubsy's friend Dave every now and then. Those of you who read fubsy's thread on it might remember how this good man was viciously attacked with a sword in his own shop and barely survived.

I think everyone here has someone they have lost to senseless violence like that, in one way or another. For me, it's members of my family lost, killed by communists. And one of my ex gf's best friends who was taken into a park at night, gang-raped by over a dozen men for hours, and executed with a .357 shot to the head. None of the perps was ever found.

I pray for her when I remember her every now and then. I'll never forget her, even though I've never met her, only felt the pain of it secondhand.

This isn't intended as an anti rant. I realize it might be somewhat tacky at best to suggest this. But after reading some of the accounts in TFL, this has been in my mind for a while. All I'm asking for is for everyone who reads this thread to post a story of someone they would like others to remember and honor them with a short prayer, or to merely just to type "Amen." I think that'd be enough.

fubsy, for what it's worth God keep your friend safe and heal him well.

God keep our loved ones safe, and grant His love to those dear to us who have passed from this world. May they know peace wherever they are, and may we meet again in a better place, a better time. Amen.
Please remember two children molested and killed in my hometown in the 80's. Both children suffered learning disablities. The monster lured them into secluded places, molested them and suffocated them. It took my father a great deal of police work to put him away for good. He's in a cell somewhere. May he rot there and be forgotten. May the children be remembered.
May we be your hands; may we have the mind and eyes of God; may we heal the hurts, protect the fallen, and live well.

Word from fubsy:

"Heck is back to work.....were going shooting monday, and he for the most part healed.....but it takes time to get over completely...fubsy."

Good to hear that fubsy's friend is back on his feet though :)
A good thought.

Please remember Phyllis Liles of Virden, IL as well. She was murdered because she stopped to help someone she thought needed help on a lonely highway late at night. Actually, the man was a thief who needed to get a different car to make a run for Canada. He intentionally set a trap by faking car trouble and an injury, thereby virtually guaranteeing that whoever he did stop and kill would be the kindest, most virtuous person on the road with him that night. I have yet to meet anyone who can comprehend how such people come to be.


"The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against tyranny, which though now appears remote in America, history has proven to be always possible."