Remember when?


New member
First, let me say I'm an NRA member and have been since 1981. With that
said, remember when the NRA had a 6 million membership? I do and I still
think they are the big dog, but I think they lost 2 million members because of
their sense of ENTITLEMENT.....They would show up to defend our 2nd amendment and just state we don't agree, with the opposition. Even now, with our backs against the wall, they sometimes seem reluctant to get
down and dirty. ( Mind you, I love the way they have watch dogged the UN)
My point: This new group NAGR, seem willing to do what the NRA won't.
If it even looks like someone is trying to pull a fast one, they (NAGR) are all
over them and quick to let us know about them, with all the info we need
to scream like stuck pigs.
Does anyone else have an opinion on this group?
I have never heard of the group you mention. Neither do I remember when the NRA had six million members. Their legislative action committee and political victory fund have worked hard. Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox are capable guys. Mr. LaPierre has expressed himself forcefully regarding the Sandy Hook and gun control situations. I know that he and the NRA are doing a job because they are continually and vigoroously attacked by the left. Any request for me to switch my allegiance to some other group will fall on deaf ears.
I, too, have been a member, (Current Life/Endowment) for many years. I seem to remember the push for one million members, I can't remember the time frame, but I surely don't remember a declining membership from 6 million.

NRA is the big dog in the fight, and for that alone, they deserve support. If you disagree with their priorities, as a member, make your voice heard!
I'm a member of the NRA and NAGR. I am not going to come on a public forum and talk down about either one. Being a member of both, means I support things that each group does.
The Fact Checker's take on this issue.

A number of readers have wondered about the NRA’s claim that it has more than 4.5 million members. As can be seen above, just in the space of six months, the NRA’s estimate of the size of its membership jumped by 500,000, an increase of more than 12 percent.

Shortly after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Fox News quoted an anonymous source as saying the gun-rights association had gained an average of 8,000 new members a day since the tragedy. But Politico quoted the NRA as saying that it had gained 100,000 new members in 18 days — which is an average of 5,500 a day.
Are you sure there were 6 million members at one time? I just can't believe I would not have known that.
If you want to join NARGA (whatever that is) feel free to. It's ok with me. But being willing to do what needs to be done is not the same as doing what needs to be done. The NRA for all it's faults has been in the trenches for a LONG time.

Could be back in the day JFK was an NRA life member who supported the DCM.

As a kid I joined junior NRA and shot at an indoor range ,YMCA in Aurora,Ill.

When we came to Colorado,Ft Collins High had an indoor range and a rifle team.

And,in those days,there were very cheap M-1 Carbines,Springfields,Garands,etc available to NRA members.

In those days,the NRA was more about shooting sports,guns,and resources than politics.Might have been 6 million.
Staff has discussed this and while conversation about the NRA is not a priori off limits, OPs that start with such negativity doesn't seem productive.

We need a more defined, factual basis than a simple screed. The OP is welcome to PM such to a moderator and we will consider it.

Closed for the moment.
After discussion, we have reopened it.

However, we want commentary not to just be emotional but factual when a claim is made. Saying organization ABC stinks without facts isn't really productive.

Let's give it a try. Also, neatness counts - can we format better, etc.?
I support things that each group does. Nor did I suggest that
anyone not be in or join the NRA. 6 million, it appears I was incorrect.
I do not think there should be a problem with people expressing their
opinions, First Amendment is also part of our Bill of Rights.
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Poline, we welcome expressions of opinion, but other people are free to ask that they be backed up with evidence.

As to the First Amendment, keep in mind that the Bill of Rights limits what the government is allowed to do; it doesn't apply to other entities. TFL is private property, so the owner of the site gets to make the rules. (You may want to read Spats McGee’s Federal Constitutional Primer, in the Law & Civil Rights forum. He explains all this stuff a lot better than I can.)