Remember the Founders

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Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. ~~President Ronald Reagan

With all that is going on in our country today, one wonder's how many more Independence Days we will be able to celebrate. Let's remember the price paid for and the investment made in the founding of this nation and the years of growth and development. Let us remember the many sacrifices made through the years as well as all our men and women who are on this day, in harms way. Let us commit to doubling our effort stop the socialist slide we are in, to insist that our Constitution actually be followed and our laws enforced.

Gather your children around an watch The Story of the Star Spangled Banner
by David Barton.

Read John Quincy Adams' famous 1837 Fourth of July oration.

Biographies of the Founding Fathers can be found here:
If you click HERE it will take you to a printable version of the Declaration.

This site provides a wealth of information about the signers of the Declaration, the history of the Declaration, and an online version of the Declaration for you to read.

This July 4th, Remember the Founders
Brion McClanahan
Thursday, July 02, 2009

While Americans are busy enjoying ice cream, hot dogs, cold drinks, and fireworks on July 4, I’m sure very few consider the following questions: What would the Founding Fathers say about the modern United States, and what is the meaning of independence? Certainly the United States would not be here without the Founders, the greatest generation in American history, but perhaps a better way of answering the questions is by simply considering whether the United States is the federal republic of the Founders’ design or has it been “remade” as Barack Obama continues to suggest.

The dichotomy between the Founders’ republic and the federal leviathan in Washington D.C. could not be more pronounced than it is in 2009. The Founding Fathers would all be considered conservatives today, even the most ardent centralizers in the bunch. They recognized the need for government, but with few exceptions believed in local and state sovereignty and as little government as possible. They would not have accepted the rash of federal bailouts—or in many cases central banking in general (the FED)—or modern welfare capitalism and the public debt that accompanies hundreds of “social” programs designed to redistribute wealth. They seceded from the British government in part because of unconstitutional (and miniscule by modern standards) taxes and would be appalled by the current level of taxation in America on all levels of government. They were a God-fearing generation jealous of individual liberty and believed through their understanding of history that without constitutional restraint government could be the most dangerous enemy of liberty and freedom. They would have been wary of the unconstitutional powers of the modern executive branch and would have been suspicious of a man who promised “Hope and Change.” As Benjamin Franklin said, “He who lives on hope will die fasting.” Read more here.

America's Great Religious Document
The Fourth of July is America's birthday. The anniversary of the declaring of the Declaration of Independence gives us a good chance to reflect on our nation's religious roots.

The best way to observe our nation's birthday is to re-read and re-examine our Declaration of Independence, and to rededicate ourselves to the principles of our nation's founding document.

Did you know that the Declaration of Independence is America's great religious document?
The Declaration of Independence is the official and unequivocal affirmation by the American people of their belief and faith in God. It affirms God's existence as a "self-evident" truth that requires no further discussion or debate. The nation created by the great Declaration is God's country. The rights it defines are God-given. The actions of its signers are God-inspired.

The Declaration of Indpendence proclaims God as Creator.
The Declaration contains five references to God - God as supreme Lawmaker, God as Creator of all men, God as the Source of all rights, God as the world's supreme Judge, and God as our Protector on whom we can rely.

The Declaration of Independence declares that each of us is created. If we were created, we must have had a Creator. The Declaration of Independence declares that each of us is created equal. This means equally endowed with unalienable rights. It does not mean that all are born with equal capabilities, as obviously they are not. Nor does it mean that all of us can be made equal, as Communist dogma alleges. Obviously and realistically, as the modern discovery of DNA now confirms, each of God's creatures is unequal and different in every other way from every other person who has ever lived or ever will live on this earth.

The Declaration of Independence proclaims natural rights as gifts of God.
The Declaration of Independence proclaims that life and liberty are the unalienable gifts of God - natural rights - which no person or government can rightfully take away. It affirms that the purpose of government is to secure our God-given unalienable individual rights, and that government derives its powers from the consent of the governed. Our Declaration reduced government from master to servant, for the first time in history.

Knowledge of our Declaration of Independence should be required of all schoolchildren.
The unchangeable Declaration of Independence forever pledges the firm reliance of the American people on the continued protection of God's Divine Providence. Schoolchildren should be taught that many of the men who signed it paid dearly for their courage - and that's why we are able to enjoy our freedom and independence.

credit to Tennessee Eagle Forum
Dear me!

1. It is great to consider the Founders.
2. However this post is centering on religion. That is clearly against the rules

Drive-by cut and paste posting.
Puerile Bickering.
Political Advocacy posts, or any purely political topic.
Conspiracy Threads/Posts. See below for more.
Posts/Threads on Race, Religion and Sexuality will remain off topic.
Posting invectives.

See the sticky at the top of the forum.

Thus, I'll leave it to be read but close it as we don't need a discussion of religion.

I would also caution the poster to read the rules.

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