Remember! Soup81 is an 18 yr old MAN!


Moderator Emeritus
Watching CBS Nat'l News...

Soup81...the guy that pulled the AOL internet chat veiled Columbine threat a couple days ago:

CBS News considers him a MAN! A male adult. CBS called him a man.....not boy, not child, not kid...a MAN.

So, why am I yammering about this???

18 yrs old and he is a if the boy used a gun, he would be a child. He used his mouth by way of keyboard extension, so he is a Man, an adult. Yet, when 18, 19 ,20, up to 25 yrs old.....use a gun, they are children.

I only posted this to note it and piss ya'll off ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You are quite accurate in noticing that little media twist. Happens all the time these days too, I think we need to do away with them, they never tell us anything important anyway, and when they do they twist it our of proportion so bad you can't even recognize the true story behind it anymore.

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
Excellent point, DC. There are 14 and 15 year olds tried as adults all the time. But if one of them is killed by a gun, they are children and only children. They don't need a hearing or a judge to decide if they died as a child or as an adult even if they were killed in the commission of an adult criminal act when they died.