remanufactured ammo ???


New member
A local hardware store has remanufactured self-defense ammo at a great price. It's by HSM, would this void warranty in my glock. What could one expect from re man ammo ?? Thanks.
Remanufactured is the same thing as reloads, and I've shot thousands through my various handguns with very few problems.
The best re-manufactured ammo is produced in mass production under the same standards and quality control as factory ammunition. (It is "factory" ammo, just that they start with fired cases rather than new ones.)

Unfortunately, there is no definition for the term "re-manufactured", so Joe Blotz can use the term for the stuff he turns out with a hand tool and that powder he got cheap in the brown paper bag. If the store is willing to stand behind the product, and the ammo is marked with the identity of the re-manufacturer, it might be OK.

But my practice is not to use any reloads except my own; that way I know where to find the guy who did the reloading and can slap him upside the head if he goofs.

I run remanufactured, even in the Glock, but only "factory" reloads - no friends of friends or plastic baggies from the gun shows.
Running reloaded ammo for practice and loading self defense rounds is a very different thing to me. I want both utter reliability and widespread acceptance of the round in defensive ammo. By the latter I mean that I want to be able to say that various LEO agencies use the same round I do, that it is tested and consistent, etc., in answer to any overzealous prosecutor.

I am OK running reloads for practice, and I am making preparations to start reloading a couple of pistol calibers myself, but my self defense loads are going to be well known, established brands.
Commercial Reloads

I am lucky enough to live near a major commercial reloader-he reloads for gun companies and in years of shooting his stuff I had only one defective round out of thousands.
I don't run reloads in semis-I use them in revolvers because the chances of a malfunction in a semi with reloads is higher.
no, HSM is a major ammo manufacturer, it's even carried by Sportsman's warehouse. they tell you not to use handloads because bubba sitting down in his basement dumping powder into cases and calling it good blew up one too many guns and tried suing one too many gun manufacturers because it if. factory loaded ammo, whether reman or not, is considered safe and if you blow up the gun using that, then you can sue the ammo company rather than the gun company, either way, they aren't worried.
Most gun companies advise against using reloads to protect themselves. If a gun fails using factory ammo, the gun and ammo companies can work together to try to figure out what happened. They can't do that with some unknown reload from someone's basement, sold at a gun show in baggies.

Lawyer stuff? Sure; a company has the right to try to protect itself.

The big drug companies might overcharge, and they do goof once in a while, but I wouldn't want to take medicine my cousin's teen-age son brewed up in his high school lab.

The only reloads I trust - are my own... !

I see a lot of "factory reloads" for sale at gunshows in my area.../ ...but its really hard to know whether they come from some factory or not...or what kind of factory they're talking about ...and its very difficult to know if they really have insurance or not .....or if they're just using a bunch of independent contractors ..... with no insurance.
Not a huge fan of the stuff myself. Overall appearance is ugly, but they do go 'bang.' I don't mess with commercial remans or aluminum case ammo for my semis. The frustration at the range isn't worth saving a few dollars.
I've put a few boxes of remanufactured powderpuff .38spl I got at the local gun shop through my GP100 because I figure even if it's a double charge the GP can handle it.
I don't know if I'd do the same with one of my semis.

I'd probably stay away from the stuff at gun shows.
A couple years ago when ammo was scarce I bought a few boxes of inexpensive (don't know if it was cheap or not) 9mm 'factory reloads'. They all ran fine through my G19, but I probably won't do it again. I just scored 2 500 rd bulk boxes at the new Cabela's in Delaware on Saturday at a good price so I have plenty for now. Every couple months I'm down that way so I can always grab more on the way by.
For plinking & training, I do not have a blanket problem with reloads or remanufactured ammo. I don't buy ziploc bags of reloads of uknown powder charge at the gun show, but I've got no problem buying from either a reputable company, or a reloader personally known to and trusted by me.
"Overall appearance is ugly..."

Quality reloaded/remanufactured ammo is no uglier than major factory rounds. Ammo that looks ugly is poor quality, and my feeling is that if the person/company that put it together doesn't care about appearance, they might not care about other small details (like charge weight) either.

If the manufacturer of the load is a licensed manufacturer it should not be any different than any other company. If it is some dude in the back of the store making a few extra bucks reloading, you most likely have a potential warranty issue if the gun blows up. Fact of the matter, I don't know how they could tell if damage was the result of a re-load or a factory load unless you admit it.

I often see cheap re-loads at gun shows which I avoid unless I know they are commercially made by a licensed manufacturer. Even then, you never know the quality control or insurance coverage if you get a bad load. Buyer beware:eek:
I only go with trusted names in remanufactured ammo (Freedom Munitions, Georgia Arms).

Never had a problem with them and they function just fine.