Rem. Model 12


New member
I am trying to figure out what my model 12 .22 Rem Pump locks up when dry fired. I have not played with this rifle for over 20 years so I am not that familiar with it. I have clean the entire action and ramp. Any ideas?

#1. I am not to familiar with that gun, but does it lock up in live fire, or even if you fire it with a empty case in the chamber? A lot of old 22s don't like to dry fire, and shouldn't be dry fired the firing pin can over extend and peen the rear edge of the chamber. It might need that little bit of inertia of the shell firing to help unlock, or the firing pin might get captured after going too far forward and hamper unlocking the breach. Just Ideas, I don't own one of those yet so I have not had the pleasure of learning about it or firing it, mmm maybe someday.
For starters, you shouldn't dry fire it at all. Keep a couple of empty cases around to put in the chamber. Continued dry firing may leave a burr on the end of the barrel at the chamber which will require a trip the smith to fix. It could also break the firing pin.

On to the problem -
One thing I've seen in the past (refer to this dwg:
is pieces 43 and 44 get corroded in place. The trigger spring plunger (44) is hard as can be, and has a curved surface so it's near impossible to drill. A center punch just skids off, leaving no discernible mark. I had to heat the trigger really hot to get it out. If you do this, plan on a new spring - piece 43.