Rem. Match-Master .22


Hi all! I'm a long time lurker and this is my first post here. I've always enjoyed just watching from the sidelines, but this rifle has prompted me to pipe up and ask some questions.

My father-in-law showed it to me today, and I'd like to know more about it. It is a Remington heavy barrelled, magazine-fed, bolt-action .22 target rifle marked "Match-Master". Barrel length looked to be about 22-24". It has what I would consider a "varmint" stock (heavy, flat forearm with multiple-position front sling attachment points), along with a hooded front site w/ post and Redfield adjustable rear sites. No sling, unfortunately...

That's all I could get as I only saw if for a couple of minutes. I understand that he bought it new in 1944, and it's in decent shape, though I'm sure he hasn't touched it for many years. He bought and used it to put food on the table way back then, but has since decided he may not want to pass it on. :(

I'd appreciate any info about this fine rifle, and would really like to know how much something like this might have cost "way back then."


Your rifle is the Remington Model 513 TR mfg'd from 1940-1969. I don't know the price of then, but the value now:
EXC=$350.00 POOR=$100.00

The Matchmaster is listed in the 1958 Gun Digest as sellingfor $80.90, and $60.05 without sights. I have 2 of them and they are real accurate and a lot of fun to shoot. The Gov't used them for a while as training rifles I believe. Both of mine are marked "GOVERNMENT PROPERTY". one is an DCM gun with the DCM insignia on the stock.

I have somehow lost track of my older Gun Digests, but the 1951 price, with sights, was $57.00. The 513T was Remington's second string target rifle, behind the Model 37. It was directly competitive with Winchester's Model 75, which itself played second fiddle to the Model 52.
