Rem 870 Problem

Tango 1

Well I just looked through the post on 870 quality.
My problem is with a 870 Marine Magnum.
I bought this thing back in dec 1999
I fired maybe 20 rounds out of it no problems. Slugs and buck. 2"3/4 and 3" shells Cleaned it and put it away.
I took my 870 out last weekend I was using Federal and remington #8 busting clays. After maybe 20 rounds she locked up tight! I couldnt cycle my slide back after firing.
I kept trying to cycle it and eventually it opened up.
I looked it over and saw no reason for this to happen.
So I let it cool down for a bit and tried again boom locked up first try. I did run a few slugs through it including a couple of magnums and it locked on some of those to.
I checked the barrel to see if it may have came lose. Everything checks out. I cleaned it and inspected the chamber, I see nothing that would cause this.
Ever experience this one?
Once in over 35 years of shooting 870s. I transferred a short bbl from a 'beater' looking CHP resale to a newer gun for the tactical match at the local IDPA club. It locked up tight on me and I couldn't work the slide. I tightened the nut that tightens the bbl about 1/4 turn or less (all I could by hand) and finished the match just fine. Seems like you covered that, but....

It has been my experience that when this happens it is usually the shells.

A while back some shooters were having problems with an imported brand of shells. It turns out that the brass was actually oval and not round in shape. I actually had them stick in the chambers of my O/U and the ejectors were unable to remove the shells. Had to pry them out with a leatherman tool!

Gizmo is correct in inquiring about the shells. Could the shells have been crushed or damaged?

In the case of the imported shells, it seems that they were shipped to the US in containers. The boxes on the bottom were crushed by the weight of the boxes above and the brass casings were squashed ever so slightly into an oval shape. It was not obvious to the naked eye but the shells caused problems.

Apparently this became obvious when the shells were run through reloaders.

My $02 again:)

Geoff Ross
After checking the mag cap to see if it's tight, try this, just as an experiment....

Apply one drop to each action bar right in front of the receiver when the action is closed. Pump it about 10 times and see if this helps.

Also, was there ammo in the magazine when it locked up? It could be you're not inserting the round far enough to end up behind the shell stop.

I'd also check the inside of the forend tube and see if there's burrs and corrosion.Same with the trigger group...
Thanks for all the replies.
I have tried about everything you can think of. The shells were Federal and Remingtons.
I have used these same types in my old Mossberg 500 no problems.
I see no out of spec shells nothing that would seem out of place. I am not new to shooting either. I have torn the whole gun down looking for problems. I cant see anything.
I can see the scratches of my extractor on the shells after I finally remove them. You can run it empty as fast as you can cycle it with no jams or binding, its only when its fired.
It almost feels like the shells are over expanding in the chamber and sticking. I hope its just that finish on this thing it does seem very rough. Maybe I can get her polished up a bit.
About 2 years ago I had much the same problem with my old Ithaca 37. I took it to a gunsmith and he could find nothing wrong and sent it to Ithaca. They decided that the Reciever need to be rereamed and charged $78. It has been fine since. Hope this helps.
The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the barrel was locked into the receiver enough. My guess would be that the gun loosened up while firing the initial 20 rounds and gave you a headspace problem. The shells expanded to the point where they wouldn't eject properly. Part of the guess is based on multiple brands of ammo and the gun's ability to dry cycle the shells, but they stick when fired.

May want to recheck the tightness of the magazine cap and try again.

Barrel is seated fine, magazine tube is tight. Nothing is lose. I recently had an LEO friend of mine look it over he cant see anything either. I checked the chamber and its smooth no burs.
IM looking into the bolt and carrier for now. It seems kinda rough cast maybe the lock up mech. Is sticking.