Old Nick:
Here's how to disassemble the extension:
Unscrew and remove the screw that passes through the barrel clamp.
Slide the barrel clamp forward and off the gun.
Unscrew the magazine extension TUBE. It should come loose with no trouble. If it doesn't use a plastic strap wrench to help break it loose.
BE CAREFUL. As you unscrew and remove the magazine extension tube, this will free the powerful magazine spring, and it will try to force it's way out with great force.
With the magazine extension tube off, remove the magazine spring.
Unscrew the magazine extension coupling nut from the end of the gun's magazine tube.
Often these coupling's are tightened too tightly, so you may need to use a pair of WELL PADDED pliers to grip it and unscrew it.
With the coupling nut off, you remove the barrel.
The rest of the gun comes apart in the normal way.
When reassembling the extension assembly, tighten the coupling down snug, then turn it one more notch to snug it tight. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.
When replacing the magazine extension tube, just screw it in until it JUST contacts the gun's magazine tube.
DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. This can cause misalignment between the extension tube and the gun's tube.
The barrel clamp will prevent the extension tube from coming unscrewed.