Rem 700 xcr flaking Finnish and colour change

Hello everyone! I want to ask everyone’s opinion on my 2012 rem 700 xcr in .223 I’ve only had it a short while having bought it used, after cleaning it up I’ve noticed a strange speckling/flaking of the Finnish down to the bare stainless on the inside bolt channel (sorry for improper terms) near the chamber, and even more curious the entire inside of the action is a iridescent rainbow effect on the Finnish?? haha unfortunately I can add pictures right now as I am writing from my phone. But any advice on what would cause the flaking and change of colour would be appreciated, I’m stumped! Thanks in advance
Your phone's auto-spell correction is messing with you. A "finish" is a coating, while "Finnish" are people from Finland. I hate those automatic correctors in Android and constantly have to go back and replace what it has decided, incorrectly, is what I meant to write.

A flaking or peeling finish is usually a sign of inadequate metal preparation for the finish. If it confines itself to inside the bolt, you are probably fine, as that can't be seen when the gun is assembled and in most guns is meant to be an unfinished area so the bolt operates freely and smoothly (though I don't know your particular gun).
The easiest option is to take the rifle to a gunsmith that does GunKote application, pay the $200 and you are done. If you are very skilled and have access to bead blasting equipment and a good shop, you could use Brownells' Aluma-Hyde, it comes in a variety of colors.

As far as what caused it, the usual answer is "poor care".
Scorch said exactly what I would do. It sucks that you’re going to have to do it but a capable smith will make sure you never have any other issues with it.