Rem.700 remove ejector for better accuracy


New member
Has anyone tried this? Read an article, do to the side pressure from the ejector on a chambered round, bench rest shooters remove the ejector. I'm a bench rest shooter, this is the first time I read this. I can understand the thinking, giving it a try this Sunday.
I could see it effecting accuracy with side pressure on the case, if runout & headspace causes accuracy problems, couldn't a canted round do the same or am I missing something.
Have you tried shooting without the ejector? I'm going to give it a try. What I do like about no ejected, with the firing pin unit removed, the bolt has a better feel when sizing with a minimum of headspace. Also I load one round at a time, the fired case just sits on the follower. Eliminates catching the fired case. If it doesn't improve accuracy I'm going to leave it without any pressure on the case.
The ejector spring can be trimmed to not throw the fired case as far or at all. Best with a single shot, like my Rem 40X. No difference in accuracy that i can see.
cw308, When I started shooting BR you could sleeve X-P or Rem short action. Back then didn't have lot of custom actions and one thing they did was remove ejector and bolt stop. You put 2oz trigger their was no safety and after shooting record target you had to remove bolt.

I never shot one before or after and just guessing but doing action work plus good chamber (tight-neck) contributed more to accuracy than the ejector.
old roper, l agree with what you posted. I do think removing the ejector could help in keeping things in line. From the time the trigger releases to form and all the thing that go on in the rifle, removing the ejector is a minor change that wouldn't hurt. I like shooting from a rear bag & Bi-Pod, so every little bit helps. Thanks guys for all your input. Be Safe out there. Chris
An ejector of the Remington type can put an uneven pressure on the cartridge case and I can see it might have a slight effect on consistency, which it the name of the game in shooting for pure accuracy. The problem is not due to "side pressure", though, but to the ejector pushing the cartridge case forward.

I am not sure the effect will be positive, though; it might turn out that removing the ejector will allow MORE case movement and hurt accuracy. Let us know the results.

James K, thanks. More food for thought. I can also see that effecting accuracy. I reload to a minimum of headspace .001 Will definitely get back on the results,won't be until next sunday.
For the guy needing to get that last .02 MOA out of a rifle it might help. Most of us won't notice the difference.
Heck it dont cost nothing to try. Rifles can be individual enough you never know, might help, might hurr, might make no difference.
Well guys as long as it doesn't hurt accuracy, l find its an easier way to collect the fired case. If it helps accuracy l learned something new. Next Sunday weather permitting I'll find out & Let you know.
Finished cleaning my rifle , brass is tumbling . Good day at the range, accuracy good without the ejector. Find it easier removing the fired brass then catching it. Also using the bolt body without the firing assembly has a better feel checking case headspace & OAL Ogive settings. Will not put the heavy spring back in. Hope I Helped. Be Safe Out There.