rem 1858 drops load lever


New member

i found the loading lever on my recently acquired remington 1858, acts like a walker load lever, it drops when fired. now, as seen in photo 1, you can see where the frame had been pinched to wear on the lever. i fixed this and when i went to fire the gun the loading lever drops. i look for the pin to remove the latch and install a stronger spring or shim it but no can find the pin to press out. see photo 2. how do i get the sucker apart?
My thought is....

You are almost going to have to find the pin and take the latch out of the loading lever.

With the pistol all put together you should be able to examine the mating between the loading lever latch and the catch on the barrel. These two parts have to be of the right shape in order for the latch to engage in the catch.

If the latch has enough purchase but just has to be reshaped, your fix is easy. Just file the right angle on the end of the latch and your are done. Similar job on the barrel mounted catch. Has to have a nice ledge which is essentially parallel to the bottom surface on the barrel.

If the latch is not coming out of the lever far enough to engage the barrel mounted catch, you have to take the latch out, file the slot a little deeper, and put it back together. You can see the pin by looking into the end of the lever and just look for it coming down through the slot in the latch.

Be careful when you drive it out. As soon as the pin clears the slot in the latch, the latch will fly out of the end of the lever and then latch and spring will be gone (and in my shop they will be gone FOREVER).
thanks doc, i located the pin, the 70 yr old eyes needed some help. i see on one side where the larch is fully engaged the other shows some daylight. i will give the file a try first, then tempt the black hole in my work area where parts go and are never heard from again.
Two things I forgot.....

The problem might be a bent barrel mounted catch. These can be straightened but it takes a lot of care. Some are dovetailed to the barrel. Others are soldered in place. If it is Dovetailed, you can knock it out, straighten it and put it back.

The second problem might be that now that the barrel mounting has been opened up, it might be too loose allowing the lever to move sideways. You would see this if you just try to move the lever to one side or the other and if you can get it to disengage without pulling the latch back you just have to reverse the process you used to relieve the loading lever in the first place.

You might want to look at my "1860 Loading lever latch" post from July 10, 2015. I had a similar problem.

side to side is ok, the soldered latch catch looks good to and the latch does engage. i think the recoil acting on a weak spring is the problem, but i will try the simple fix first.
i did some work with a needle file and some taps on the latch catch with a drift and a small ball pein hammer. that managed to close a 1/32" gap between the catch post and the end of the lever. i will test it out next week at the local range.
managed some range time this am. the fix worked, no more walker load lever. thanks for all the pointers. now on to the next problem!