Reloder 25 with 6.5 Creedmoor


New member
So Reloder 26, H 4350 and Reloder 16 seem to be non existent at the moment, but I have a bunch of Reloder 25. I plan to give that a go.

Anyone have any load data? I am nearly certain that checking my manuals will yield no results. Otherwise I will start my data around the same place I started Reloder 26.
I use R17 for my 260 with 120 gr bullets and IMR 4064 for 100 gr bullets. Excellent accuracy. Plenty of other powders will work just fine. H4831sc, for instance. So, do you have to use R25?
i use r17 in my creedmoor works great across the board from 90-143g bullets wth great accuracy and velocitys
Well I don't "have" to us Reloder 25, but I have 10 pounds of it. Also a bit short on cash these days. Reloder 25 is a pretty slow powder.

I am gonna call Alliant today and see if they have any data with the Creedmoor and 140 grain pills and Reloder 25.

It's faster than Reloder 26, but slower than Reloder 22 or H4831. I am nearly certain that I can't fit enough Reloder 25 I to the case to be dangerous with the bullet depth I am using.

If anyone could run it through quickload I would very much appreciate it.

6.5 creedmoor, Winchester case, 140 eldm bullet, COAl is 2.850, Primer is CCI 250. My estimated start load is 44 grains with an estimated max charge of 47 Grains.
Yep, if I had 10 pounds of it, I’d want to use some of it. Makes sense, and if it’s slower than H4831, you probably couldn’t blow your gun up if you tried. Though I wouldn’t suggest that you try. Let us know how it works out.
QuickLOAD estimates a case filled 100% under that bullet with Reloader 25 will produce a peak pressure of about 39,000 psi. Velocity will be about 2500-2550 fps from a 24" tube. Reloader 26 does rather better (51,000 psi) because, despite being 12½% slower, it is denser, so you can fit more charge weight into that same space to make up somewhat for the burn rate deficiency. RL 25 will burn dirtier because of the lower pressure, but it doesn't look like you can hurt yourself trying it.
Caution! The following post contains load data for which there is no publishing to compare to. I do not recommend using any of this data. This data is for my own experimental use only!!!

I loaded some up just to try earlier. Loaded up to 47 Grains. Really slow velocity until I started compressing charges. My case capacity in water weight is 51.8 grains. 47 Grains of Reloder 25 brought me right to the shoulder neck transition after tapping the cases to settle the powder.

For the 47 Grain Load, 5 shots

Avg 2743
Hi 2755
Low 2730
SD 9
Es 25

I feel like I can get a little bit more powder in this case. After settling the powder This load is not all that compressed. Compared to some other loads I have tested. I am pretty sure I can fit another .5 grains of powder in there. Although at 47 grain charge I am not burning all of the powder. There were a few marks on the Magnetospeed from granules of powder that were not burned.

Would compressing it a little more, or maybe seating .010" from the lands instead of the current .025" help burn More of the powder? Also with this bullet, I can load at the lands and still fit in the magazine. I guess just wondering if increasing the pressure will make the powder burn a little more efficiently.

I am gonna try 47.5 grains at the current seating depth of .025" off the lands. I am also going to try that same 47 grain charge with the bullet seated at the lands, not jammed into the lands.

I am also thinking that this powder is perfect for my 6.5 PRC.
Yes, that could help. Figure contact with the lands will raise the peak pressure about 20%. Going halfway toward contact will raise it partway toward that 20%, but a bit more than half, as the relationship isn't linear. You could also go fully to land contact and back the load off 10% to have about the same pressure you do now, then work up from there.
Im using rl23, and cant seem to stuff enough into a case to make any pressure signs with a 140 grn Accubond.
I settled on 45 grns, and it produces nice groups.
R25 maybe a bit too slow

I don't reload for 6.5 Creedmoor but reload for 6.5 Swede.

I think R25 is too slow. From my sources, the closest powder to the military powder used in the 6.5 Swede is R22. It's slow enough for the 160gr pills but one source said that it's better for the 140gr bullets while R19 is better for the 16ogr. There is room in he cases..

I've shot H4831 in my Swede too and my groups were great using it.

Guessing that the 6.5 Creedmoor and 6.5 Swede will be similar, I'd guess your slowest powders should be somewhere between these two powders. Even the Hornady Manual lists AA3100 as the slowest recommended powder for the 6.5 Swede.
At the lands I saw no increase in velocity or any improvement in the spread. I am drawing the conclusion that this powder is too slow and bulky for this cartridge. Although accuracy was excellent. I presume that with this powder charge and 2730 fps or so I am probably near the middle of a good barrel time node

I stopped by a local shop today and found some H 4350 so I bought some and will use that now.
So Reloder 26, H 4350 and Reloder 16 seem to be non existent at the moment, but I have a bunch of Reloder 25. I plan to give that a go.

Anyone have any load data? I am nearly certain that checking my manuals will yield no results. Otherwise I will start my data around the same place I started Reloder 26.
Staball 6.5 is awesome in the Creed if you can find it.