Reloder 16 vs H-4350 ..


New member
Ran out of RL 16 and found some H-4350. Since they are touted as being very similar and RL 16 seems to be a good replacement for H-4350, I decided to do a not so scientific comparison between the two in 6.5 creedmoor.

First I will start with the load I settled on for now using the same bullet, primer and powder charge. I worked up to it with both powders. I was using Sierra's data for their 140 grain SMK. Coincidentally the same powder charge of 42 grains shoots the best with both powders.

Accuracy was consistently .5-.7 moa with both powders with the slightest edge going to H-4350. I have not done a seating depth test with this bullet.

Velocity data was interesting. With the RL 16 average velocity was 2792 with an SD of 9 fps. With H-4350 average Velocity was 2796 with a SD of 6 fps. ES with H-4350 was only 14 FPS

Case fill is where I saw a bigger difference between these powders. The 42 grain charge of RL 16 was slightly compressed. The 42 grain charge of H-4350 was not a compressed load.. leading me to thing that the H-4350 has a little higher bulk density. Also the Granules of H-4350 are definitely smaller than RL 16 and far more consistent in size.

H-4350 also definitely burns cleaner than RL 16.

Also metering is more consistent than RL 16.
Over all I like H-4350 better.

My local guy also got in some 8 pounders this week so I will have to go buy a big hug of it soon.
You better get there fast, H4350 disappears pretty quick. I’ve tried just about everything in my 6.5 CM and H4350 just plain does the trick.
Loading the Creedmoor ( 6 and 6.5) using H4350 is just plain easy. The defacto powder for this cartridge if you want to get a load sorted out quickly. It won’t be the fastest but it will be accurate and consistent. Both very compelling reasons to use it.
H4350 is my go-to powder for 6.5 and 30-06. I did experiment with Ramshot Hunter in both cartridges a few years ago when I was running low on H4350. Initial testing was encouraging, but before I got too far into that I was able to locate H4350 so I never got around to fine tuning and seeing what was possible. I've heard good things about RL16, but never tried it. I've also read encouraging things about IMR4451.

But if someone is unable to locate either H4350 or RL16 and is looking for a substitute give Ramshot Hunter a try. It seems to stay on shelves when everything else in in short supply.
I had excellent results with IMR 4451 for accuracy. H-4350 and Reloder 16 giving good accuracy and almost 100 fps over IMR 4451 velocity.

If you are only shooting 100 yards or less Magpro gave me outstanding results for accuracy, bit velocity spread was laughable. 60 fps ES or more

H-4350 is maybe my favorite though. It just seems less picky than any of the other powders I have tried. Also in my experience it is slightly more temp stable than RL, although RL 16 was still very good and better than any of the others.
RL 16 is amazing stuff. I think if I had any real gripe is the carbon rings that will form if you don’t pay attention to your throat. Not an issue if you are diligent in your cleaning methodology but if you catch it too late will be a bit tough to clean. 4451 velocities were just not acceptable for that cartridge. 20-40 FPS is one thing but 100 is not good. It’s been good in other calibers but for the Creedmoor I will pass.