Reloading the 45 ACP on a Lee Single Stage Press


Hello, All

I have just finished a video on reloading the 45 ACP from case tumbling the brass though all the steps of using the different dies to finished shell then shooting.

I made this as a follow up to one of my other videos loading 200 grain LSW and 230 grain LRN.

The video is maybe too long as it is just over an hour long, I think I may went into too much detail thus breaking the golden rule of KISS "Keep it Simple Stupid". So I thought I would turn to my fellow readers here on this forum for some much needed feedback.

Take a look and let me know what you all think. Should I leave it as is or delete it and post a shorter more concise version.

I was trying to be thorough, but I may of went over board a bit.


Here is the video
I don't have to kill an hour of my life to know that a video over an hour long to load 45ACP is way too long!
20 minutes, tops. I did a video on the Lee Turret Press that ran just about 8 minutes and covered all the basics. I don't have time to watch an hour-long video for something I know can be explained in 10 minutes.

You can start by cutting the first two minutes out. People who want to know about reloading don't care about your wife's laundry room.
Using a single stage press myself, methinks a video showing one case being decapped, sized, flared, primed and charged is all that is needed - 5 minutes, tops...

The very end of the video would contain the caveat to repeat for an unrecordable number of times...

SHR970 said:
I've loaded 200 375RUM on a Lee hand press in less time than your video. SERIOUSLY!

ToddRvs66 said:
What is a 375RUM ???

SHR970 said:

And your doing tutorial reloading videos??!!
Your elitism is showing.

I've been reloading for a couple of decades. I'm NRA certified to teach metallic cartridge reloading and shotgun reloading. That doesn't mean I know every obscure cartridge in the known universe. I have no idea what 375RUM is. The video under discussion is about .45 ACP, a handgun cartridge. It is entirely possible tio make a useful, authoritative video about .45 ACP without knowing what 375RUM is.

I assume that you are referring to .375 Remington Ultra Magnum. That I have heard of. I've never heard of or seen it referred to as "375RUM" (with no decimal point in front and no space between the caliber and the acronym). That shorthand may be meaningful to you, but in an open forum it's better to use standard nomenclature so that everyone knows what you're talking about.
Sorry I do not know what a 375 RUM is, this video was not targeted to the advanced reloader but to someone new to reloading. That is why I tried to take my time and explain every step in great detail and pass along a few tips I have learned over the years.

SHR970 I am sure you can load 375RUM faster than anyone else on here. If you can load fast and be safe about it then good on you.

I for one do not try to reload faster than is needed as I feel safety comes first then I also do reloading to relax and destress after a long day. I find reloading therapeutic in this way.

I am sorry the video did not meet your approval and I agree it is longer than it could of been. That is why I asked for feedback so I can do better on my next video. I am going to do a video on rifle reloading with a single stage press next and I will do what I can to shorten it up.
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ToddRvs66 said:
I am sorry the video did not meet your approval and I agree it is longer than it could of been. That is why I asked for feedback so I can do better on my next video. I am going to do a video on rifle reloading with a single stage press next and I will do what I can to shorten it up.
Why don't you first see what you can do to shorten this one up? Take it off YouTube, watch it yourself, and make notes about where it can be edited. It's MUCH too long ... you will need to be brutally objective in your editing.

What's your goal? A: to show how to reload a handgun round on a single stage press. Write down on a piece of paper what needs to be conveyed to show that. Then watch the video and make note of anything and everything in there that doesn't directly serve that goal.

I'll be honest ... you are not ready to make a video on reloading a rifle cartridge. There's more to it than there is to reloading a straight wall pistol cartridge. If you can't figure out what needs to be shown to do the pistol cartridge without filling the video up with a bunch of useless and irrelevant chatter, I respectfully submit that you should not try to do a video on a more complex subject.

You have a YouTube channel with 44 videos on it at the moment. Do you want to build a following, or do you want to chase away prospective viewers? Each video needs to be top quality if you expect viewers to move on and watch your other videos. There is nothing about the Loading .45 ACP video that would (IMHO) induce viewers to watch any of your other videos. Fix what's broken before doing another one.

It may be that you are simply not ready to be making reloading videos. If that's the case, it's not a knock on you. Not everyone is a good instructor. Unrelated to guns, for example, I have been wanting to learn the CADD program Revit. I found a series of "tutorials" produced by a guy who obviously knows Revit inside and out. But ... his tutorials don't teach. They go MUCH too fast and they don't explain what he's doing as he does along. They are basically just demonstrations, not tutorials.

Before you do any more reloading videos, I suggest you watch some by other people, such as FortuneCookie45lc. FortuneCookie45lc is well known -- other people who make reloading videos talk about his videos. He has a lot of them, and most are under 10 minutes. Very, VERY few exceed 15 minutes.

Get a feel for cadence, and for deciding what should be shown and/or discussed and what doesn't need to be in the video. Then you can sit down and start planning what to show in your video(s), and how to say it clearly and succinctly.