Reloading for Thompson Encore


New member
I just layed away a 25-06 in a Thompson Encore. I should get it in about 3 weeks. I'm wondering if there are different load levels for the Encore verses a Bolt action.
Congrats on the purchase, encores can be addicting. You'll need a safe just for the barrels soon enough.
Lyman pistol and revolver reloading manual has a whole section on encores, as does Lyman's 49th.
+1 on Rg1's comments. Each Encore barrel/frame combination can headspace differently so you need to learn to adjust your sizing.
That was a good article. Looks like if I keep headspace around .001 from fired brass I should be ok. I've been using Hornady Headspace compareter to get a .002 headspace on my bolt actions. I would think an open barrel would be a lot more precise.
I would think an open barrel would be a lot more precise.

There is much more "wiggle room" whenever you have any kind of movable joint. Add to that the machining tolerances for a separate barrel and frame and it all adds up to lots of opportunity for "slop".