Reloading equipment


I'm wanting to get started into reloading and wondered if any of you folks could give me some good direction on which equipment to buy.The three that I have considered are the RCBS , Dillon 550, and the Hornady Lock-N-Load.I've also looked at the Lyman T-Mag turret system but only in catalogs. If you can give good direction I would be grateful. I would be loading rifle as well as pistol cartriges.
You better decide how much money you want to spend first, I use a Dillon 650 with all the accesories, (casefeed,warning systems,ect)
but this year I'm probably going to load between 15 and 20,000 rounds for my wife and I, so over $700 for the loader wasn't quite so bad. if your gonna load only 500 to a 1000 any of the single stage press would work. if you can't afford or don't want the 650 the 550 is a nice second choice.
I noticed in Blue Press Dillon sells an "RL 1050". Does anyone use this or need it or want it? At what level of reloading, or under what circumstances would you need to step up to this granddaddy? Thanks.
I have a Dillon 550 and a 1050. I like them both a lot. If you are going to load a lot of different calibers the 550 is best because it is easier to change over. If you want to load a lot of one caliber or just spend less time reloading then the 1050 is the way to go. My wife and I both shoot a lot of 45 ACP in IDPA and the 1050 is set up for that. The 550 is used for all the rest of the calibers that we shoot less of. BILL

Thanks BillOH,
The 550 seems to be the way I'm leaning.Sure would like to find someone who's looking to unload a used one. I'm just not at the point yet where I'm able to invest a lot in an outfit. I'm really wanting to learn reloading
as a hobby , not just to save money.
Danl I have used the Dillon 550 to reload a variety of pistol and rifle cartridges for many years and am completely satisfied with it. You cannot beat Dillon's customer service.

I've been reloading for about 10 years now, almost all with a Dillon 550B.

I started out with a single stage and learned real quick that it was a good way to kill the reloading hobby! I bought a Dillon 550B and I've never looked back.
In fact, I freely admit that I am completely biased: there are only two type of reloaders: Dillon and all the rest.

The Dillon 550B will reload everything from 32 ACP to the 460 Weatherby, it won't do .50 BMG! Dillon used to have a special deal where you could buy one of their machines and they would bill your credit card for 4 months with no credit charges! Call them or see their website at:

BTW: Reloading will NOT save you money! It will save you $/round, however. It will also allow to shoot more often and sometimes the reloading becomes the hobby itself!

Good luck!

Albin; you lucky duck!

I started reloading in the mid '50's, and the only progressive reloader for pistols was the Star; a very expensive tool.

I put up with a single stage press for over 30 years. About 10 years or so ago, I bought a Dillon Square Deal B; I absolutely love it, and actually prefer it to the 550, as the machine is smaller, and I can get closer to it. I have reloaded thousands of .45 ACP, .44 mag, .357, and 9mm's with it.

I bought a 550 so I could accomodate rifle cartridges, and also use standard 7/8 x 14 dies. I like it a lot, and it really cranks .223's out at a fabulous rate. It is particularly nice in that if you buy an inexpensive extra tool head, your dies are already set up and adjusted. Just slide the old tool head out, the new one in, change the shell holder, and rock and roll.

Dillon has fantastic service; they will repair any of their presses, no matter what happened to it. Run over it with your truck? No problem, just send it in. Bought it used, no problem, just send it in. Something doesn't work right, just call, and if they can't fix it over the phone, they will send you a replacement. When they say that we don't want our customers suffering in silence, they really mean it.

Check the machines used by all the professional pistol competitors; virtually all are Dillon.

For someone who has seen many improvements come and go, the Dillon line is something that will definitely stay; it is absolutely terrific. Walt
danl, the fact that you can't find someone who wants to sell a used Dillon should be telling you something. Mine will never go unless someone wants to trade even for a bigger Dillon. SDB for a 650 anyone? :D

[This message has been edited by STEVE M (edited March 21, 1999).]