<OL TYPE=1><LI> Do you carry reloads (spare ammo -- not reloaded ammo)?
<LI> If "no", why not?
<LI> If "yes", do you carry enough for one reload? Two? More?
<LI> When going away on a local trip (meaning within your home state and not traveling by air) where you will be gone from home over night, do you increase the amount of spare ammo for reload purposes?
<LI> Is your reloads readily accessable -- meaning, if you carry a pistol, is the spare ammo in a magazine of magazines ready for use or held loosely? If you carry a revolver, is it in s speedloader/speedstrip ready for use or help loosely?
<LI> Finally, do you carry spare ammo because you think that you might need a quick reload in the heat of a fast gun battle or because you don't want to run empty during a long & slow firearm encounter? Or, some combination of these?</OL>
Share what you know, learn what you don't -- FUD
<LI> If "no", why not?
<LI> If "yes", do you carry enough for one reload? Two? More?
<LI> When going away on a local trip (meaning within your home state and not traveling by air) where you will be gone from home over night, do you increase the amount of spare ammo for reload purposes?
<LI> Is your reloads readily accessable -- meaning, if you carry a pistol, is the spare ammo in a magazine of magazines ready for use or held loosely? If you carry a revolver, is it in s speedloader/speedstrip ready for use or help loosely?
<LI> Finally, do you carry spare ammo because you think that you might need a quick reload in the heat of a fast gun battle or because you don't want to run empty during a long & slow firearm encounter? Or, some combination of these?</OL>
Share what you know, learn what you don't -- FUD