Religion vs. Me


New member
Well it finally happened. My wife belongs to a Methodist Church and she likes me to go to Sunday School and church with her. On this past Sunday they were discussing the second coming of Christ and David Koresh came up. The first response to that was, "He couldn't have been Christ. He was armed." I about hit the roof but out of respect for my wife, I just rolled about in my chair.

Now I'm not sure my reaction was right. I think I may have missed a chance to enlighten some of the ignorant.

Or maybe I should have just waited until it was over and throttled the guy. (I'm joking.)

Would that have been a good place to start a debate?
A majority of people didn't recognize Him the first time around. An attitude like the church member has may cause them to miss Him the second time around.

Bruce Stanton
He had no desire to arm himself the first time (his choice), I doubt he will need firearms the second time. If he was who he said he was (I belive he was) he can just think his enemies out of existance if need be. No need for rifles, grenades or even B2 bombers. I think this is what your church goer may have been trying to say.

White Rook 2348: Clear
He did arm himself!

When he ran the Money Changers out of the temple - He made a whip - And he used it too!

After that point - he no longer needed it. But it is important to note - he WAS ARMED at one point.

When he comes again - No - he wont need arms. But people who work for him might... As did his deciples when He was taken from the garden - One of His cut the ear off one soldier...

Talking about Arms related to this subject is MOOT.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Dont forget that the United Methodist Church is a large supporter of Handgun Control, Inc.,.....a definite up hill battle ....fubsy.

Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh at the way people think...

"The difference between genius and stupidity, is that genius has its limits." -- Albert Einstein


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Hmmm...could the reason be, uh, apostasy???

Most of our "main line" churches suffer from it.

Little-e, next time, tell that moron that if he cant come up with a better reason as to why David Koresh (aka Vernon Howell) isnt Christ, perhaps a reading of The Bible might be enlightening. And probably a new experience, from the sound of it. But do it in a loving way ;)

Never mind the fact that when He returns, everyone will see Him, worldwide....He also said that when He returns, it wont be as a will be to Judge. ( :) for some... :( for others....)

When you can alter the physical universe, that is indeed armed.

Have a great Y2K day, dudes! :) :) :) :)

pesky typo gremlins!

[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited July 05, 1999).]

Tell the moron who said this to read Revelation. Key word: SWORD.

After they have read that, tell them to read the rest of the Bible and educate themselves before they pull a Peter and blab before thinking. :)

Wow! You can do a keyword search in the Bible????

I need to get one like that!!! :) :) :) :)

Ive been muddling through with those "cheater" tabs on the first page of each book... ;)
Would'nt it be funny If Jesus was posting on the web site and was like a member of the NRA........hehehe...him and Heston could tag team those liberal talk shows.......
This all brings up an issue that I've not heard tackled within my church. I've been a member and regular attender of a contemporary Southern Baptist church. In the almost eleven years I've been at the church I've never heard my pastor even begin to outline his beliefs on firearms.

I do know that a lot of my friends at church are firearm owners. We've even taken some firearms on a retreat to the mountains where we've shot some target practice. The mountains were owned by the family of the associate pastor so I guess he obviously doesn't mind it.

All I've got to say is... God bless the conservative Church!
For some reason, I can't see Christ picking up a Bushmaster and a Glock :) I am a Christian, and I know that many Christians on TFL would like to associate two of their interests (firearms and faith), but I cannot envision why anyone would think that Christ would hole up in a guarded compound. You can interperet scripture as you wish, but the everything that Christ is and stands for is inconsistent with the Koresh scenario.When he is here, he won't need to announce his presence.

Guns+Church=bad media coverage (read:cult stereotype)
Simple System,
I see your point and respect it. In the Garden, Christ gave us a hint of the "firepower" he had available. (Ref Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood, etc. for other examples.)

OTOH, we mere mortals can not call up such a force of angels when needed. At least I can not....

Therefore, let's remember that weapons are inanimate. It is for the user to determine (according to his beliefs) whether his use of force is moral and/or necessary. If so, then said force should be used in an effective and efficient manner.

Therefore (again) it follows that the church which refers to the use of force, even advocates the use of force (under certain conditions), is not necessarily less "Christian" than the "roll over and die" advice advocated by some other churches.

In my limited religious training, I always felt that the use of force fell under the heading of "God helps those who help themselves." Those who rely totally upon an act of God to protect them have forgotten, "Tempt not the Lord thy God."

Personally, I believe Koresh was demented, evil, or both (or worse!). But the problem of "Guns+Church=bad media coverage (read:cult stereotype)" is not my problem. David did not slay Goliath with a public relations campaign.

I find it hard to believe that we are meant to be martyred by every thief in the night. Therefore, to the best of my meager abilities, I will train to react adequately to the threat of violence against innocents.

Being armed is a _fundamental_ concept in the Bible. From every able-bodied male in Israel being armed, to permiting the slaying of nocturnal intruders, to skewering tyrants, to making weapons, to Christ beating blasphemers out of the Temple, to Christ directing his followers to buy swords, to protecting one's family, and many other examples in between, being armed and actively opposing physical manifestations of evil by being armed and using weapons appropriately is a "well duh" expectation in scripture.

Those who use the pulpit to promote disarmament of innocents have a lot of studying and explaining to do.