REKAT Knives and tactical training


New member
Does anyone have any experience with the REKAT Hobbit Fang or the Pocket Hobbit? I visited the REKAT website and both appear to be impressive. This will be my first purchase of a discreet knife for such a purpose (primary role is self-defense. For opening boxes I have several small pocket knives). I live in a large metropolitan area so BIG knives are out. Appreciate your feedback. Also, can anyone recommend any tactical training videos? The only training I have had in using a knife for self-defense was in Ranger school, MANY years ago...
Given your discription - The REKAT Utility would serve you very well, and wont make any onlookers go into shock. The Pocket Hobbit? Very agressive... But I would rather have it than the Carnivore... or Pioneer...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I like Modern Arnis, and Escrima they are both very direct knife arts. By direct I mean that they don't have alot of unecesary motions, the whole idea is to kill your opponent as quick as possible. Both of these arts instruct you how to use knives and sticks as well as unarmed deffense. Out of the 2, I prefer Escrima it is very direct and fairly brutal. One thing about knives for deffense is that no matter how good you are chances are that if you get into a knife fight you are going to get cut.
Thats what GUNS are for...

Realisticly, your knife will be used for opening MAIL - not MALE... so its functionality as a tool is more important than its ability to look scary.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks for the feedback. Woody, I will do some website research on those two training methods. Reference the gun comment, I agree. This knife is back-up for a 5 shot revolver. If the knife is required, things have obviously gone very wrong. I appreciate the comments and will check out the REKAT Utility. George, I am looking for a defensive knife that fits three criteria: (1) won't scare my fellow urbanites who might catch a casual glimpse of it (2) minimize likelihood of cutting myself on it when deploying (3) is effective enough to provide an "adequate" level of performance if called upon in a self-defense scenario.
Another question: What are the pros and cons of a blade (black-T coated) in 1095 high carbon steel versus ATS-34 stainless?
The pocket hobbit would be one hella nasty letter opener :)

I personally don't like the pocket hobbitt, just because of the size, and the way it's handle is designed.. i believe it's primarily designed to be used in reverse grip, which i'm not a huge fan of. although, the handle provides decent protection, and is solid enough to be used as an improvised yawara if need be. I believe the pocket hobbit comes in a breakaway sheath, so if you're looking for clip-it carry you might be SOL... i don't remember pocket hobbits having a clip, nor would i think it would be comfortable.

I agree with the fellow who suggested the Carnivour. A friend of mine recently purchased a talonite model, and it's very impressive.. absolutely solid lockup, and the g10 scales are very grippy. If you really wanna get a REKAT knife, I would check that one out.

It would be a prosecutors dream to find someone who filleted someone with a pocket hobbit. :(
I concure with the suggestion to go to Bladeforums. Also I have trained with Bob Taylor and have practiced and used a Hobbit warrior and pocket hobbit and a Crawford Carnivore since they were first available.
Any knife to the average citizen is intimidateing. The Hobbit/Warrior series are all very intimidateing due to the nature of thier design.They are very effective CQB blades. The other knife you might want to look at is the escilator that was designed by Bram Frank. All of these knives have a certain tecknique and you need to prcatice to get familiar with it. The Hobbit series are the easiest to master and practice.

Sorry for the length. I strongly suggest you log onto


I definitely concur with Woody: Escrima, Arnis, and the Filipino Martial Arts in general have broken down knife combatives into a science. Your best bet would be to locate an instructor affiliated with Guru Dan Inosanto, Tuhon Leo Gaje, GM T. Illustrisimo, LAMECO, Bakbakan, Bahala Na/GM Leo Giron Arnis, among others.

Remember, despite George Hill's comment regarding guns, having a firearm does not necessarily preclude learning defensive edged weapons and empty hand skills. Proper use of force techniques are very important in surviving a knife encounter, even if you are armed. An attacker can clear over 21 feet faster than you (or even, Giles Stock) can draw and fire, so even if you get a shot off, you may be stabbed, sliced, and/or killed.

For truly awesome knife training, be sure to check out the Edged Weapons Conference we are holding on March 3-5, 2000. Top names from recognized organizations (Inosanto Academy, Gunsite Training Center, Dog Brothers Martial Arts, GSGI, Emerson Knives, among many others) will all be present to discuss, teach, and demonstrate strategies and techniques to help everyone come away with *real* knife fighting skills and the tools to further develop them. For more info, go to

The first rule of knife fighting - is have a gun...

But yes - get some hand to hand training of some sort. Fighting hand to hand is much more effective when you have a knife. I always endorse training in every field possible - then repeated training! You cant learn an art in a 3 day class - or a week at a special camp like place. You have got to keep doing it.

And from the 3 points mentioned - the knife you want - well, most any good modern folder will serve you well. the question is how much you want to spend. And what do you think you will be doing with it other than gutting your enemies.
REKAT knives are great... but are more than twice as much as you need to spend just for a good knife. SPYDERCO makes the best knives out there... Other companies such as Cold Steel or Benchmade make great knives too - Spyderco is just my first choice.

The NATIVES that I just got - wonderful knives. And while effective - dont cause panic in my bleeting coworkers. If you dont like the style - then check out the Endura. Heck if you want to get really nasty - think what you can do with the Spyderco Catcherman in a fight! (a folding filet knife)

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I have read many opinions that Spyderco makes the best knife out there. Why? What makes them better than the competition? I went to my local dealer and checked out the Endura and the Delica. I have rather large hands and long fingers, and I did not feel entirely confident with one-handed opening of either knife. I have visions of not getting that blade fully open and losing a couple fingertips in the process as it snaps closed again. Anyway, I was not impressed enough to buy either one. I have not handled the REKAT knives, but it appears from what I have read that their locking mechanism is much, much stronger. I guess you could say that I am looking for a knife that follows the KISS principle. Something discreet and suitable for larger hands. Something as close to GI proof as possible.

With larger hands, you may want to try a Spyderco Military, especially if a lockback doesn't put your mind at ease... My personal carry is an Benchmade AFCK (about $85.00) and a Spyderco Endura (about $45)

A lightweight knife such as the delica or endura won't open quite as fast as something that has g-10 scales like the starmate or military.

A lot of people have a beef with linerlocks, but my AFCK is solid. If you're going to be stabbing trees and whacking it against a table, maybe you should pay the extra $$ for a rolling lock. ;)

I like Spyderco personally, as they are a good company who stands by their products. they probably also have the best customer service in the business. To be honest, I don't know much about REKAT, but the knives I've handled from them have all been very good.

Someone awhile ago did a stress test of all the locks using a REKAT Pioneer, an AFCK and an Endura... did crazy stuff like stab trees, submerge them in mud for an hour, and try to use them, etc... If I can find the URL, I'll post it here..
In a world of ideals, or if at all possible, carry a fixed blade. It follows the KISS principle, is inherently stronger, has fewer parts to break, and is hands down preferred over a folder. I make it a point to keep a fixed blade (Mad Dog ATAK2) close by in most of my travels.

If you cannot have a fixed blade, you enter the world of "tactical folders", a term I am tempted to describe as an oxymoron. However, there are many good folders out there. Just realize that you are generally sacrificing strength, simplicity, speed in deployment, and ergonomics for concealability and convenience.

Spyderco was the first to offer a quality folder that was fast to deploy and had a reliably strong locking mechanism. However, Benchmade has definitely upped the ante with the excellent Axis lock, and some very nice automatics. Chris Reeve's Sebenza is also a solid, well made folder with probably as bulletproof a lock as the BM Axis.

Ultimately, try out the major brands. More importantly, get good training; test the knife that you will be carrying for ergonomics, lock strength, etc., Remember that you will be using your knife more often for utility than defense so keep that factor in mind also. And don't forget to check the knife carry laws for your locale.

Good luck,

Edged Weapons Conference 2000
Take a look at the Emerson Commander. And definately, definately go to When it comes to the edged weapons, it's the place to be.
I agree with George Hill that if you can legally carry a gun that is your best option for defense. At home, I carry a handgun.

Unfortunately, there are still a number of states which make it very difficult to get a CCW. This is true in my home state of MD. Also many work places restrict the carrying of handguns. Doing so at my work will result in immediate termination.

It is for those reasons that I carry a defensive folding knife when outside my home. Legal, permitted at work, and effective when used properly.

My carry folder is a Crawford Kasper Fighting Folder. The REKAT Carnivore also looks to be an excellent knife although I have not handled one personally yet. I also prefer the forward grip so I did not consider the Hobbit or Fang.


P.S. I also agree with George that your knife will probably not be used on another person. I also feel that my handguns will most likely be used only to shoot paper targets and not another human. However, it still pays to be prepared.

[This message has been edited by Axel Yup (edited October 02, 1999).]
In Tennessee one can carry a gun and a baton after receiving training and certification.
I normally carry both as well as a "pocket"knife. After all you cannot clean your fingernails with a gun.

One of my friends is a Martial arts instructor. We have modified sword and dagger techniques for an Asp and modified REKAT Hobbit Warrior trainer. Since I have been certified with and Asp and have trained with Bob Taylor I can and do carry both as "less than Lethal" defensive tools.
Never take a knifeto a gun fight is a great thought. But there are a lot of loopholes in the law that ban you from carrying in a lot of places. You have to be creative and train for these situations.


Thanks for all the replies; I guess I am just stupid. Seems to me that a fixed blade knife with say a 4 inch handle and a 2.5 inch blade (6.5 inches overall) would be the perfect compromise knife: (1) fits well into a front pants pocket to be discreet and comfortable to carry around and (2) still have enough steel on it to scare the bejeezus out of an attacker -- (3) and even do serious slashing wounds to an attacker if things came to blows. On the other hand, (4) the blade is short enough to not give the local police fits (or the airlines?), and the (5) fixed blade keeps klutzes like me from cutting our fingers off while trying to deploy a folder. Does such a knife exist? Does this make any sense? Remember, this knife is backup to a lightweight .45 Colt Commander or a S&W airweight .38 Special. Thanks.
Sounds like a REKAT FANG, Utility, Emmerson Le Griffe or others of the like would serve you very well.
Go to and look at the Cold Steel offerings - they have some suitable to your prefrences... Also look under the Gigand brand - who has some good neck/fixed knives.

the WOO knife
Maddog knives
Falken (spelling is wrong I know) F1
Cold steels "master hunter"
CRKT Stiff Kiss
Benchmade Nimravus
Spyderco (this one is a fixed blade) Bill Moran Featherweight

Pretty large group of choices really.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!