Reintroducing the wisent to Germany.


New member
Listened to this story on the radio today.

A small herd of European bison will soon be released in Germany's most densely populated state, the first time in nearly three centuries that these bison — known as wisents — will roam freely in Western Europe.

The project is the brainchild of Prince Richard of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg. He owns more than 30,000 acres, much of it covered in Norwegian spruce and beech trees in North Rhine-Westphalia.

For the 78-year-old logging magnate, the planned April release of the bull, five cows and two calves will fulfill a decade-old dream.

European bison are not the first animals Prince Richard has brought back to the region. His estate is rife with gray geese and ravens, which he says he reintroduced at the request of the German government. Herds of red and roe deer, as well as wild sheep and boar, also abound on his property.

Many of the animals on his land can be hunted, but others, like the bison, are off limits. Rows of antlers and horns hang on the prince's office wall.

Wish I had a spare 30,000 acres. Not sure what animal I'd like to introduce. Given that they can now clone extinct paleolithic animals, maybe the Great Auroch.,8599,1961918,00.html

Heard the piece on NPR yesterday afternoon.......rather interesting.

And who knew, "German Prince".......still got those?
Well the prince has Swedish relatives. Look them up and see.

Not sure how introducing the bison to Sweden will help the moose population, but worth the try.
Well, they have American versions of both of them. Only we can hunt them here. BIson steaks, and Moose meatloaf, yuuum! I believe the reason it's encouraged to eat them is because of the road hazard with tourists. Hemingway broke his arm severly in a collision with a Mouse, and was treated at ST. Vincent's hosital in Billings! I wonder if that was where he became chemically dependant, then depressed and then suicidal.

So we should all go shoot some Moose some. I want a Bison skin in a blanket mount
Hemingway broke his arm severly in a collision with a Mouse, and was treated at ST. Vincent's hosital in Billings!

Geez must be big ones. No wonder papa's cats have the extra claw, they'd need them with mice that big.
Well the prince has Swedish relatives. Look them up and see.

Not sure how introducing the bison to Sweden will help the moose population, but worth the try.

eaten moose for close to 30 years, sick of it:D the wolves can have them and I get a new prey that must be akin to african buffalo hunting:cool:

how is it in your country does wolves hunt buffalo? because here they won't actually hunt our boars, there are buffalos in Yellowstone right? or do they don't share habitat?

and every royal person in Europe is atleast second cousin:)
Wolves do hunt buffalo in Yellowstone park. Not sure if that's their preferred prey.

I understand they all have Queen Victoria as a great great great grand mother.