regulating the 50 cal BMG RIFLE, and other Trojan Horses


New member
Likely, not to many readers own one of the above mentioned, but the point is that it's merely a bolt gun, perhaps a semi-auto, with a big bore, that feeds on very expensive ammunition.

Not so according to HR 2127, which can be viewed at the following site.
Run a search for 50 cal BMG to read the text. Your congress critters need to hear of your opposition to this junk, ASAP.

This particular nag, by the way, is brought to you, courtesy of your friendly anti gunner, know it all, do-gooder, we know what is best for you types, that these days, seem to bloom like ragweed, most anywhere, but most often when watered by your tax dollars.
One would logically deduce that the .50 is the answer to the antis prayers. They damn the evil, small, cheap, easy to conceal handgun as the crime weapon of choice among America's thug-types. Let's see... .50... Small? Nope. Cheap? Sorry (especially if you tack on the price of ammo, and a decent scope able to exploit the range). Easy to conceal? Maybe if you're Gulliver and the .50 in question is a lilliputian model. So, in essence, the .50 is the exact opposite of the "gun of choice" for criminals. So what's the problem? Using Bradyesque logic, this should be the "gun of choice" for the anti-criminal! Hell! The damn thing should be required! .50's for everyone! I'm sure Gale would be quite pleased with that mandate ;)
The first sneaky point is that the bill is NOT limited to .50 BMG, but covers _all_ .50 caliber rounds. There's a big difference between .50 BMG and .50 AE, but that bill doesn't care.

If such a bill was passed, at a later date a tiny line inserted into a big bill could easily ban most rifles by changing the "5" to something smaller. "Omnibus Spending Bill Section 103726.37290.Q: In Public Law 1234.56.d, strike '5' and insert '2'." Bye-bye rifles!
Re response from ctdonath, I'm given to recall and old, perhaps not very funny joke. A distraught lady, having discovered she was pregnant for the 6th time, went to her doctor, seeking advice. He prescribed, after some thought, "orange juice". "Before or after" asked the distraught lady. "Instead" advised the doctor.

Will people awake, before the fine print is added??
this makes me sick. It says ".50 cal military sniper weapon" to get everyone to think they are "evil" and then says "oh yeah, any .50 call at all" Things like this make my blood boil.