Registration Defied (Brian Puckett Interview)


New member
Here is the link to the Brian Puckett interview. This is the guy who is openly defying the Kali Registration. It is a good interview and he states succinctly what most of us feel here. I wish him all the luck inthe world and I hope other Kali gun owners follow his lead.

Go to the link for this week's show.
CassidyGT, thanks. Pucket comes across very well. He is articulate, well-informed, and he gave me a couple more good debating points. He certainly deserves our support.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 23, 1999).]
Rich, I'm with you there. Someone needs to follow what happens to him, and eventually possibly post an address to send checks to.
I loved his point on jurists, and how that if we believe that the law is wrong we should vote not guilty, because we are the government. (of the people, by the people)

The jury system is the last shred of power we actually hold today as citizens, when up against wrongdoing governments and corporate giants. For that reason, it is imperative that we not go down this slippery slope of taking away the power of a jury - so-called "tort reform" is the first step to a people with no power to right wrongs, much like "gun control". It is the elites who want both.
Try: for more data on the organization he helped form. He is president, I believe. I don't know if donations to COA would be used to aid Puckett, but IMHO, its worthwhile!

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Just got another email from Brian Puckett and here it is:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

To keep you up to date on the statement that I sent to the governor of
California titled
"Why I WILL NOT Obey California's Gun Registration Edict" I am referring
you to Jon Dougherty's column in the Monday Nov. 29 issue of WorldNet

Click on this link if you wish to read Mr. Dougherty's column:

If you have not read the actual statement, the final version (with a
slight re-wording of one section that seemed to be confusing some
readers on the subject of machine guns) can be found at:

Brian Puckett
President, Citizens Of America
Fight for your gun rights NOW!

Rich, judging by his email list I would say he has much support. John Lott and David Kopel are just two on the list. Many other pro-2nd orgs and attornies are listed. Looks like our Mr. Puckett is going to create quite a ruckus in Calif. over this.

Anybody that lives in Calif. heard anything about this through any regular media outlets?
Nope, nary a peep in the "regular" media

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
See the NAR post about the successful fund raising they are doing in going up against the BATF.

When the time comes for donations to aid Puckett in his fight, we ought to take a look at how the NAR set up their donations page. On-line, using you credit card. "Painless"[g]. I especially liked the way they put the donation into perspective: "The
cost of . . . ", "'a dollar a day,' or less than the cost of . . .". We can all learn from this.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.