For example, New York requires owners of handguns to register them, and IF you manage to get a carry permit, any and all guns you may wish to carry MUST be listed on the back of the permit.
I grew up in NY, officially leaving the state as a residence in 79. I am absolutely certain of the accuracy of my information up to that point in time, and am 98-99% certain the pertinent facts have not changed since, so I must correct this statement,
NYS does NOT allow you to own ANY handguns until after it is registered. Period. A permit (with the gun on it, by make, caliber, barrel length and ser#) is required before you can possess the pistol, at all. Only Open Carry was allowed. (the standard permit. Special circumstances might qualify you for one of the rare (by NY standards) concealed carry permits, but ordinary folks (in the 70s) couldn't get them.)
5 sets of fingerprints, 4 "passport" type photographs, 3 character references, the fee ($20 at one time, now, I understand its $100?) a couple months wait (now a year in some places, or so I have heard), while every agency involved checks you out, and then, ultimately, entirely up to a judge to approve, or not, entirely at their whim. Each judge has their own ideas of what is suitable to be approved, or denied.
One judge I knew would only approve applications submitted for "hunting and sporting purposes". If self protection was the reason you applied for the permit (and you have to state the reason on the form) he would automatically disapprove your application.
Another judge, in the next county, would only approve permits for self protection. Any other reason, he would disapprove it.
Permits, being issued at the sold (pardon, sole) discretion of the issuing agency is still the situation that obtains in NY today (as far as I know). NY is NOT a 'shall issue" state, it is a "may issue" state.