Register To Be Polled by Zogby!!!


New member
I found this over at Free Republic...

This is of interest. Many people complain that they've never been polled. Here's a chance to register with the best and most accurate polling organization to date - Zogby.

I just found his new website - nice. It's got an online registration form to fill out so that you can be part of Zogby's polling data. Should you care to participate, the link below will take you directly to the registration form.

It's not a bad idea to have as many Conservatives and Libertarians as possible as part of a polling database. Here's the link:
Zogby International Polling Registration Form

Okay, here's the poop: Netscape Communicator 4.7 won't load page 2 of Zogby's registration form, but my Internet Explorer, version 5 (other versions may work equally well. It really pays to have two browsers...) did just fine.

So if you want to register with Zogby, use your Internet Explorer instead of your Netscape. Meanwhile, I'll tell them what I've learned and they'll probably fix it.


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board

Edited to fix the UBB code. Could we PLEASE have HTML back again!?!

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited January 24, 2000).]
Well, I went and "jined up". It does not take long to fill out the form.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Thanks Jim!

Over at Free Republic they are jumping on this big time! I guess, people over here are waiting for the midnight movie. ;-)


Perhaps a little off point, apologies for that, but re your mention of Netscape 4.7 "not loading Zogby", and your "informing them, so they can fix something", based on my experience with Netscape, and their ongoing "the program has performed an illegal operation" message, DO NOT COUNT ON THEM TO FIX ANYTHING.
