Regarding Hi-Capacity Magazines

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Mike H

New member
Can someone educate me regarding the availability of hi-cap magazines. I thought only pre-1994 stuff was legal for sale, and then i read one of the earlier replies in this forum that states that Walther P99 9mm 15 round mags are available for 100 bucks apiece, how can this be, that's a unique design 1997 gun. Is there still a source of new build hi-cap mags out there or not, my P228 and myself hope so.

Mike H
Fome my limited understanding, there is a loop hole concerning the importation of HI-CAP magazines. If that is not the case, If the magazine was manufactured prior to the passing of the limitation law, the mag is grandfathered in. What's funny is that the manufactureres of the hi cap weapons still make the hicap mags for LE and Military and anybody who is exempt from the current law. If you can find a dealer who is willing to deal you can still find many hicap mags for most if not all weapons...but the prices go up...(i.e. supply and demand).

"By His stripes we are healed..."

I believe the P99 mags are interchangeable with earlier Walther mags, so there are hi-caps out there. Also, the "loophole" prohibited import of hi-cap mags made after the cutoff date, but did not prohibit import of hi-cap mags made earlier. So, for example, WWII Browning High Power mags are (still) importable.

As that bill approached passage, mag makers were churning out hi-caps as fast as they could, so there are a lot out there, of varying quality, and they are quite legal to sell and possess.

Don't buy any LEO marked mags; they are illegal for us non-LEO types to own.

You guys think it's that easy for a non-LEO to purchase restricted magazines!? You have to damn near get a letter from your chief or sheriff just to touch the damn things!
Pete, Pete, Pete...

When's the last time you went to a gun show ?

Seriously, you can get them pretty easily :)

Lose that nickel plated sissy pistol, get yourself a GLOCK !

Sales of pre-bans or post-bans?


I know posession of post-bans is a felony. But what is the selling post-bans?

Don't cops need letterhead, chief's signature etc. to purchase? What type of violation is it for seller/buyer to bypass?
It is fairly easy to purchase restricted mags by civilians. However as stated previously it would be ILLEGAL to do so. There are bad dealers/retailers out there who are just trying to turn a buck. This has created serious problems for those of us that are trying to obey the law. More than one law abiding citizen has unknowingly bought one of these restricted mags at a gun show or some other place only to find out later that they were now a felon.

Buyer Beware- look carefully at all hi cap mags to see if they have the tell tale "Restricted LEO/Military/Export only" stamping, or a datte stamp of 9/94 or later.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
I'm reposting the following from the "pre-ban post-ban" thread. Can anyone answer?

Actually, does anyone know if the manufacture date is stamped on post-ban magazines? I
was at a gun show and a vendor had 2 high cap magazines for sale. You could see that he
had scratched off the part that said "LEO only". The date on it was 9/13/94 (glock 9mm).

The vendor said "The law says manufactured AFTER 9/13/99 are illegal and these were
manufactured ON 9/13/99". I thought it was a BS story and walked away.

Its always stuck in my mind and about 6 months later I saw this:

O4) How does the law define the term "large capacity ammunition
feeding device?"

The term "large capacity ammunition feeding device" is defined as a magazine,
belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device manufactured after September 13,
1994, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to
accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Large capacity ammunition
feeding devices in knockdown (disassembled) condition consisting of all parts
needed to assemble a complete large capacity ammunition feeding device are
subject to regulation if the parts are segregated or packaged together and held
by a person as the parts for the assembly of a particular device.

Listed at

Could that joker have been right? The 9/13/99 would be legal for civilians?
snowman3, ahh......a subject near and dear to my heart. Over at in the Magazine section of their bulletin boards we have discussed this issue at length. Here are that FACTS as I understand them.

1. All magazines made after 13 September 1994 are ILLEGAL for civilians to own.

2. All magazines made after 13 September 1994 are supposed to be marked with para quoting here "Restricted Military/ LEO/Export Only"

3. ATF has not given any exceptions to the previous statement requirement on post ban mags (I am currently trying to confirm this with the ATF and get written confirmation from them)

4. It appears that at least one maker of AR15/M16 MILSPEC mags is not, or has not placed the above statement on their mags (this would be a violation of the law) Note-there *may* be other mfgrs of hi caps that are doinfg this also.

5. *Regardless* of the markings, or non markings on the mag body. If the hi-cap mag was made after 13 Sept 1994 and you are a civilian in possesion of it you are now a felon. ATF has provided comments to me via E-mail that it would not matter if you knew that the mag was made after 13-9-94 or not. As long as it could be proven that the mag was made after 13-9-94 you would be guilty. (There is some question if it would be legal to prosecute you if this were the case)

Hope this helps. If you want further info E-mail me direct. If anyone has facts that the above statements are wrong *PLEASE* let me know.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
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