Reframing teh Question

Mike in VA

New member
I surf several Firearms BBS' and find several recurring themes. Prominent among them is that we are afraid of losing the right to keep and bear arms, a most legitimate concern, IMHO. The follow on to that is 'we gotta do something' and then we regail each other with the same old arguments. Its not that they aren't valid and worth spreading, but often times logic loses when applied to an emotional argument, like 'gun control'.

We get flumoxed and frustrated with the liberal rhetoric about "protecting the kids" when we know good and damn well that's BS; cars, bicycles, skateboards, swimming pools, falls, yadda, yadda, kill more children that firearms accidents. But who can be against against "protecting the kids"?

Anyway, in my travels, I came across "Second Thoughts - The Webpage for the Armed Liberal" where I found an excellent article by Robert G. Heinritz, Jr., J.D. from a speech he gave to "Gun Rights" Conference, Denver, Colorado, September 28, 1997 [] where he says that if we are to win we must reframe and own the issue (a very sound tactic for gaining mindshare). In a nutshell, he says that gun rights are a civil rights issue and that's how it should be presented (but please read the speech). As we all know, Civil Rights is a BIG liberal issue, and who can be against Civil Rights?

What go me thinking about this was some whining about even though the Republicans are a majority, they don't know how to act like one, and they still get whupped because they can't figure out how to control an issue (all valid criticisms). Well, as you martial artist know, you use your opponent's strength against him, and it's now time to use their own tactics against them, too.

At any rate, I urge you all to read the article and work this issue into your correspondence when you write your elected representatives, newspaper editors, etc., because in the final analysis, IT IS about our Civil Rights.

Freedom ain't free, M2
Mike, thanks - that is an excellent speech. It would be a great addition to the TFL Library. And re: the Republicans being unable to lead - another rephrasing problem, IMHO. The real question is why we do we believe most of them are still our allies?