refinish slide for HK

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New member
Does anyone know if HK will refinish a slide?
Or of anyone else who does with the "Hostile Environment" finish?
My USP is a working gun, and I decided that it was ok for the slide finish to wear off from holster wear before I started to carry it. But I'm currious as to the possibility to have it refinished, preferably factory, as some of the refinish jobs I have seen were worse than it started out.
I have associats that claimed had the Tennifer finish applied by Glock.

It is my understanding that HK will refininsh for you for a small fee. But I dont know what that fee is.

Any one?
My recollection is the Arizona Response systems in Phoenix does it for them (HK) with their NP-3 finish, I'll have to post the url from home. M2
Here ya go []. It seems I mis-spoke, their finish is Metacol, not NP-3. It comes in several grades and colors, and is endorsed by H&K. I have no first hand experience withthem, but have seen many good words on the web, FWIW. M2
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