Refining Firearm labels


New member
Has anyone else noticed how the news media keeps refining labels? we know the purpose but have to wonder; what's next.

1. Assault rifles; once accurately defined, they went to;

2. Weapons of War; Even Bill O'Rielly, added "High Power"; Then,

3. Semiautomatic; That was more fitting to their agenda. Now it's;

4. Assault-Style; That really opened it up as it can includes everything and anything. !!!

Can hardly wait for the next one; !!! ........ :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
We attempted to use reason and logic and established terminology dealing with this issue back in the 80s when the "current" round of mass shootings began.

When the press said the killer used an "assault rifle" and what they used was actually a semi auto, we pointed that out, expecting them to recognize and respect the established terminology. In this, we failed.

The did, sort of, briefly, when went on.

For a short time, they used the term "semiautomatic assault rifle" but that was a mouthful, and a cumbersome sound bite, and when they created the term "assault weapon" they went to that. THey created the term, and its definition, and when even that didn't advance their agenda enough, they broadened it to "assault style", "military style" and then included "high power", and now infer that "semiautomatic" is somehow an evil thing.

If you expect truth and accuracy about firearms from our modern media, you'll probably expect honesty from a politician and charity from a banker....

You will be disappointed in each of these cases...repeatedly
If you use the wrong terminology do discuss liberal issues it is an immediate shutdown by the media, other liberals, people in the center. Etc.

When they knowingly speak incorrectly and errantly about guns, it’s like a code. It welcomes them in to speak more and those debating them end up using the air time just to put basic definitions back in place. It is a clever scheme they have going.

I think Trump was the only conservative to use errant language to make his points, causing the other side to spend the other side to spend all their air time calling him a liar and trying to reset their reality.

In a nutshell, if I were asked to go on the news to debate guns, I would request the reporters support in shutting off the mic when errant language was used. I would want that done to me too. This has to stop. We cannot continue to talk about how pistol braces make pistols full auto. We cannot say bump stock firing is full auto. It can be declared bad, but not full auto. This is just one point.
Can't remember where I saw this quote-- but there's some truth to it...

"Conservatives believe what they see. Liberals see what they believe."