Referendum on 2nd

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New member
I was just reading through some news articles, and from the looks of it, the idea of an armed populace isn't nearly as popular as it once was. It ocurred to me that a good strategy for the antis would be to force the issue onto a national ballot.

Even though there are 80 million gun owners in the country, there might be more who are swayed by the fear-mongering that's been going on, and would vote to get rid of the 2nd Ammendment, either through new legislation or regulation. I know it would be difficult to get it done procesurally, but there seem to be an awfull lot of antis arond these days.

I was just wondering, what would everyone do if the antis managed to get their way legally? If for example, the supreme court went blind, and misinterpreted the 2nd to apply only to the NG,then allowing England-style gun-control of civilians..... What options would remain?

I used to think "That could never happen HERE!", but I'm starting to wonder.
some might disregard minions and focus
on anti self defense politicians. I wonder what brand scope they will focus?
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