Redneck kids night out hoggin'

You betcha! Yeah they can get just as hurt doin' this as any thing else but not as likely and they ain't disrespecting others in doing it... oh yeah and sometimes they do tear up their trucks in the woods...:rolleyes: But again if it were teens out street racing it would be disrespecting others right?
That was the only pic they had of all the dogs they had out and one just had to goof off...:rolleyes: My son is the one on the left in the plaid button down shirt...
Good on the kids, good on dad...

Hogdogs--anybody who raises up their kid to handle dogs properly (or horses or any other animal, for that matter) must be doing something right. Nice pic.

Hope the hog makes up into some real special barbecue and sausages. :)
Smokey, I am right with you on the kids and dogs lifestyle.
BTW, The boy second from right is STONE DEAF!!! Junior and the others tell of how fun he is to hunt with... These kids really do love the woods. And as the link to the pic shows it is from one of their myspace thus they weren't to worried of impressing us old farts with class, thus the "bird"...
Also these youngsters see ruff old hunters doin' the same thing.