Rediscovered love affair - Lyman Great Plains pistol

I went to the range this morning to shoot with a few other BP hobbyists. Instead of taking the Trapper that was built in the first semester that was never shot, the Lyman Great Plains pistol out.

Being a pistol, it has a short barrel. It's much quicker to load and having played so long with smoke poles, that nicety was forgotten. That wasn't the only thing. #11 caps are too tight and often it took two strikes of the hammer with the first to seat it further down the nipple and the second to ignite it. It proved that I don't flinch. (E/R home two tins of #10 caps were picked up at a local store.) Initially it was loaded with 30 grains of FF, a .010 patch and .490 ball. The charge was later reduced to 25 grains.

The wind was really blowing (over 20 mph) and it wasn't easy to stay steady. Fortunately, the targets were only about 15 yards distance and most (about 23) went into the target with two in the white.

Cleaning it has an advantage over the smokepole. It's shorter and can be cleaned in the kitchen sink. When I clean a smokepole, I set up a bench outside which is a task (it's a Workmate Bench with attached to it). Shorter is faster too and unlike a revolver, there's much less to clean.

Conclusion: More time shooting and less time cleaning. What a great pistol.
Great fun !!!

Have to say that I enjoy shooting my Great-Plaines over the Trapper. My favorite is still the Patriot. I have both generations and still looking for a .36. Pistols are fun and draw attention at the range .... ;)

I am down to one C&B Revolver and own about six SideLock pistols ... :)

Be Safe !!!
Its odd (my own experience)

When I first started with BP, it was with a Colonial Pistol, A Kentucky Pistol, A CVA "Kentucky" Rifle and a TC (IIRC) Plains Rifle. I could work the pistols better than the rifles. Shot with my uncle, (RIP) who was an avid hunter and a great shot with cartridge rifles and shotguns. (Pennsy...deer, bear and small game)

I got away from the single shot world and never really went back.

Sounds like you had a nice time.
I used to shoot my flintlock rifle with a swamped 47 inch Getz barrel. Lot of cleaning on the back porch with a special cleaning tube that fit over the touch hole. Mainly shoot revolvers these days.