Redhawk grips


New member
I used to own a Blackhawk .44 mag, with full mag loads the
barrel would just flip and gun would roll up, now I have this Redhawk and 18 rounds of factory Winchester loads, I
tore blisters off web of my hand,that back srap hurts,ordered some Pachmayr decelerator grips, anyone else
have pain from factory grips?how the heck did Elmer shoot
with stag grips???
My Super Redhawk woes were cured with Hogue rubber grips, the kind with deep indentations for the fingers. I tried Pachmayr two-piece grips, but they didn't help much at all. I wish Ruger would do less with the Redhawk and SRH and more with the Bisley and Bisley-Vaquero.
okay, I want to hear from someone who says that factory grips don't make them flinch when they squeeze that second
rd. off! or what I got wussy hands?some fead back please,
I may buy another SBlackhawk and sell this Red.recoil was easy with Super Blackhack,smooth, this Red has me flinching
before I squeeze the trigger, not accurate when skin comes off more after each shot.
GRH, how are the Hogue better?I thought I saw the back strap
exposed, yeah, if Ruger made a 5 shot .454 casual in their
Vaquero line, and beefed up the frame.I'd be a buying
I have a Redhawk 44 with Pach's on it. I too have an accuracy problem, flinching before the shot, but I haven't had skin removed. My hands do get tingly after about fifty shots, though. From a bench I have no problem, just when I go to offhand. Still working on it...
How a grip fits your hand matters a great deal. Also if you try to fight the recoil, like you would for "combat" or speed shooting vs slow fire, makes a huge difference.

With my Ruger Security Six 4" shooting Magnum 125 JHP's in DA mode and "fighting" the recoil hurts. But I can shoot Federal's 180 castcore loads SA from the same gun with comfort as long as I don't "fight" the recoil. I still apply tension against the force of recoil but I let my elbows flex/bend and don't try to force the gun back on taget right away.

With Elmer I suspect he did most of his shooting of heavy loads from SA mode at a slow fire pace. But that is just a guess.

Shooting heavy loads in a handgun takes a different technique than shooting IDPA, IPSC, or bowling pins.
All four of my Redhawks wear Pachmayr Decelerators. They fit me perfectly, and allow me a high grip for DA shooting (USPSA) both one- and two-handed.
They also allow me to fire carefully aimed (don't want to kill my chrono!) extremely heavy test loads comfortably (PF = 400+).

Perfect, and no more bleeding (for me).

44 Mag PF = 210 (240g/877fps)

41 Mag PF = 242 (210g/1155fps)

9x19 PF = 141 (124g/1144fps)

45ACP PF = 179 (230g/782fps)
I normally shoot 240 gr. leads at 900 fps, my favorite reload for my .44s. started reloading full mag loads,and
buying some factory loads to compare,I shoot offhand and
single action,and TRY to squeeze the trigger,but I'm SURE
I'm flinching at that last nano-second,I never fight recoil,
with .45 acps or 9mm I might shooting fast to get back on target,I hope the Pachmayrs take the bite out,the only other time I had pain was with the Super Blackhawk,heavy
.44 mags,I stupidly placed my left palm under grip shooting
right hand, left palm after one shot felt like I got nailed
with a hammer,a lesson learned, let the gun flip.
RedHawk Stocks

I shoot a RedHawk with hot boar killer loads and do not like the factory stocks either. I've small hands, bought the Hogues and took them off, found a set of Pachmeyr standard Presentation stocks and that did the trick.

Also try finding some thinner leather work gloves. That's worked in the past rather well. -Brian
Revolver grips are a real personal preference item. I tried two different style Pachmayr grips on a Redhawk before settling on a set of Uncle Mike's (I think they go by Butler Creek now). I really like them. They are a little smaller than the Pachmayrs.
SO! no one likes the factory grips? if Ruger went to the GP
style it could put some thick rubber on .yeah I will get
some shooting glove too,who makes the best for less?recoil
and blast isn't a problem,I won't shoot mags without some
hearing protection,that would throw shots off too.Elmer
must of had hands of steel and deaf too, chasing a mountain goat and shooting 12 shots{ I think} or sitting out back and trying to hit a outhouse a mile away? must of been fun
to shoot with.
I like the standard grips

I shoot full power (but not maximum power) loads in my 5.5
inch .44 mag Redhawk with the factory grips and like the way they feel. It seems like I have better control with a good wrap around the factory stocks than with the spongy rubber grips. After a session my hand tingles a little like I've been chopping wood, but doesn't hurt or bleed.
Everybody has different hands, and I did grow up doing outdoor chores so maybe I have tougher than normal hands?
