Red dot recommendations?


New member
Looking for a red dot sight to put on a long gun in .32 H&R Magnum. Average range I'd be shooting this at would be 15 yards and the max range for this would be maybe 50 yards at most.

I'd also like to use this red dot on other rifles, like the AR and AK.

So, what do you folks recommend I take a look at? I've heard a lot of good stuff about the Holosun red dots, high quality for a good price. I've also been turned on to Primary Arms.

I am looking to keep the price under $250.
Holosun and Primary Arms sound like a safe bet to me. I would throw a Vortex Sparc 2 in the mix as well, I really liked the one I had on my AR.
I love my C-More. You can get it with any size dot from 3 - 16 minute. I use a 12 minute dot for Steel Challenge. If you want more precise aiming I'd go with a smaller dot, like a 8 or less.

It cost ( direct from C-More) $239.

Battery life is excelling and the field of view is the best I've seen. More shooters in USPSA and Steel Challenge use the C-More than any other sight.
Although not as bad as your's and in my left eye, I have an astigmatism as well. If you are closing your left eye and just using your right eye I imagine you would notice distortion, that's just my best guess.
The red dots are designed to be fired with both eyes open and when I bring my left eye into the picture it doesn't seem to affect the dot in anyway.
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There is no distortion in the C-More. Dot stays round no matter how bright you want it.
Astigmatism has nothing to do with the sight at all. It's a defect in the cornea of the eye and no sight will correct that. That being said, before I had Lasik surgery I had astigmatism in my right eye and shot competition with red dots on all my handguns (still have red dots on all of them) and the distorted dot did not interfere with using the red dot. You will get the same distortion each and every time and as long as you place what you believe is the center of the red "mass" on the target center you will shoot remarkably good groups. I won a lot of major shoots with this condition before getting it corrected. Oddly enough, it was corrected because I was having trouble using aperture sights with difficulty. Using the red dot wasn't a problem. FWIW, glasses can correct astigmatism fairly well and red dots require no focus of the eye to use. That's the best part of the red dots. If you know someone who has a red dot on a handgun, ask to shoot a few shots with it. You'll get hooked!
The Sprac2 is crap compaired to the holosun 503, I have both, the holosun is fantasic for the money. Ive had alot of folks shoot my rifles and everyone likes the holosuns.
Aimpoint is always a good choice, but if you don't want to spend that much money the Sig Romeos have been pretty good to me and have great battery life. At close range a distorted red dot is still effective and at distance it can be significantly mitigated by looking at it through a flip up rear sight aperture.
I started with the Primary Arms Advanced Micro(I have three of them), and while they are excellent, I have gone to the Sig Romeo 5 for one important reason. Auto Wake. Set the rifle down, and after 2 minutes, the Sig Romeo 5 goes into sleep mode. Just the slightest movement, and its back on. Its perfect for a defense rifle that might sit in the corner all day. There's no reason for the dot to be one all that time.

The Romeo 5 comes with a low base, for a pic rail equipped handgun, AND an Absolute Co-Witness base for an AR or such.

I know some of the Holoson dots have Auto Wake, but they are higher priced, and only come with one base.
With how low the price is for the Primary Arms and even with my eye issues, I think it's worth trying. If I don't like it or can't shoot with it, I'll return it.