red dot problem ?


New member
I have a Bushnell TR-25 red dot and when I look through it I do not see a good single dot but do see almost like 3 dots connected, I was told this is because of my astigmatism in my eye sight.
My friend has a Tasco red dot and when I look through it I see 1 very sharp dot.
Is the Bushnell defective or why does one work so well over the other ?
First question that comes to mind is, what size are the dots? A smaller dot size will appear to be "rounder" with eye problems. I've owned a lot of different red dot sights over the last twenty-five years and some are definitely better than others, but dot roundness has never been a problem even on the lower priced ones. The brighter you turn the light up, the more problems you'll find with this effect you're talking about. You may have an astigmatism, or you may have an early cataract developing which will scatter the light going through the lens in your eye. I know, I had both and had surgery to correct both. Now my dots all look clear and round again.
Take a picture looking through the red dot (like below) and tell us what you see in the pic.

I do wear glasses and do have an astigmatism and you are right the higher the power the more problem I have. Also the further away the target is the bigger the problem. Up close at about 10 feet I see a nice round dot but farther away the dot gets messed up and looks like 3 dots with a line connecting them and sometimes a dot with a jagged line running off it