Red deer Facts & Photos

Jack O'Conner

New member


Red deer originate in Europe. Britian's largest native deer and widely distributed. Seven sub-species are recognized. Basically related to region and terrain.

Male are known as stags; females called hinds. One German source I found states the males are called harts. This species of deer is smaller than North American elk. Yet these species are close enough that inter-breeding is common in certain areas. A British source I found today states that inter-breeding between Asian sika deer and red deer is also common. There is a concern about native UK red deer becoming "watered down" by this factor.

Mature stags commonly weigh in at 500-600 lbs. In contrast, a mature North American bull elk weighs 600-875 lbs. Sika stags rarely exceed 225 lbs.

Besides coloration, red deer differentiate from elk in many other ways. They communicate with roaring sounds. Red deer antlers form a barrel shape with crown at the top. In contrast, elk antlers grow straighter and angled to the rear. The term royal elk is derived from the European crown term for mature trophy animals.

Red deer and fallow deer are farmed thoughout the world for venison, antlers, and antler velvet. These animals are reputed to become semi-domesticated after several generations of captivity and close contact with farmers.

For the trophy hunter, many countries offer hunts. Recently the eastern portions of former Soviet Union have become a focus for hunters.
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I have been lucky enoygh to get to hunt Hirsch ( Red Stage ) in Germany several times .But have never shot a real big stag . mostly in the 2B class and some Hinds and small tier . Small tire are year old calves ,that were born to older Hinds that don't produce a lot of milk ,therefore there calves are smaller and don't ever mature properly . they are usully hunted in July and Aug . Before the Stag hunt starts .
Hey Jack, some of your older pics on the 'foreign' deer threads are expired at the host site. So, do you have, or do you plan to assemble, by any chance, a site in one place that will contain all these pics & descriptions permanently? Because I find it interesting. Thanks.
Red Deer and the elk of North America are of the same species, Cervus elaphus. There are different at the subspecific level and not all North Amercican animals are the same subspecies. C. elephus once ranged over much of the northern hemisphere with a few populations in the southern as well. In all, there are some 20 subspecies, give or take a few depending on the taxonomist counting, with about 6 in North America, 14 elsewhere in the world (naturally).

Yes, there are differences between North American varieties and European varieties, but also differences within the subspecies of each continent and they differ some from those isn Asia as well. For example, the weight differences between North America and Europe may be true, but not diagnostic as a species difference. In North American, our white-tailed deer can have tremendous differences in size between the smaller version in central and southern Texas that sometimes come in at less than 100 lbs. and those in the northeast at over 300 lbs.

The "roaring" communication attributed to only the european variety is found in North America as well and is called bugling. They also "bark" as well as make several other vocalizations such as mewing, snorting & grunting, whine, squeal, and neigh.
English Springer Spaniel and Boston Terrier are same species yet many differences. Same with red deer and elk. Perhaps my use of terms is off a little but most folks know what I meant.

Roaring and bugling is not the same either.
Red Deer

Jack you have some great photos of the different species. Have you been blessed to be able to hunt most of them?

No, actually I've only hunted (exotic) wild boar and fallow deer. But I found some great photos and info which I thought would be of interest to all. It would take a stack of $50. bills to hunt all these amazing animals.
You can shoot 'em for free in New Zealand...Also, Elk, boar, white tail, goats, Sika, Thar and Chamois. They are all introduced species and the government wants 'em gone...