Red/Black MP-5 in window rack?


New member
Is there any law reguarding the carrying of non firearms that look like firearms in kali?

1 Supper soaker
2 Red gun
3 Red gun painted black with red muzzle like toy.
4 Red gun painted all black.

Yes I know I will be hassled but can it be done just to piss off the liberals. What could anyone say as they are ALL plastic and not regualated as firearms, and even if they were what could really be said?

On the real one obvioulsy unloaded,open bolt, say it's daytime and you are on way to range. (Just going through drive thru on way) Kinda like the AZ post a few month ago about open carry in arizona k-mark "Why are you doing it says the officer?" Reply "Because I can" Sorry forgot members handle. HKUSP45?

Since this state wont issue CCW's why not carry a RED/BACK gun to cause panic in the herd :) And yes I know that it might tempt jackers but that aint the question.
Its more of can you do it and not break any of the commie laws in kali.
And why the MP-5? Because it is just TOO Un-PC.
Especially with all the registration going on. Yeah its childish but can it be done, thats the question?

My reason for super soaker is because I know that it will be ignored even though it can potentially do more damage to someone than the red/black gun.
I am trying to find the point where it will cause general panic in the herd. Would the all red one be OK? Or #3 just a red muzzle like a toy? On #4 I know it will cause problems.
What do you think?

This would be in window rack in pick-up without tinted windows.And yes I do have a lot of time on my hands, esp to mess with the state.

BTW I hope there aint no stampede laws still on the books ;)

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited September 25, 2000).]
"...... What could anyone say as they are ALL plastic and not regualated as firearms, and even if they were what could really be said?...."

Now see one of those is an "Evil Plastic Guns" that the Government wants to ban!

Dead [Black Ops]
An interesting, tempting, but still bad idea. Especially in CA.

In the same way holding up a store with a realistic toy will get you an "armed" robbery rap, you could very possibly be charged with a brandishing, threatening, creating a disturbance, or at the very least a disorderly person for displaying what would easily be mistaken for the real (illegal) thing. It's not about what's real, it's about appearances and perceptions. You might pay a lawyer and "get off" but the entertainment value will very quickly be overshadowed by the hassle, cost, and real risk of a charge sticking.
What about a silouette of a gun rack and an MP-5? Looks real enough from a bit away, but there is no mistaking that it isn't from up close.

"Oh, that? Yeah, custom artwork officer. A friend of mine is selling them, want one?"

der Schueler
Why the heck not? I used to carry my cap pistols in a holster as a kid. Why shouldn't adults have the same fun?
RH said "you could very possibly be charged with a brandishing, threatening, creating a disturbance, or at the very least a disorderly person for displaying what would easily be mistaken for the real (illegal) thing. It's not about what's real, it's about appearances and perceptions"


1 Yeah those are what I figured but dont see how bradishing could come into play as you arent event touching the gun.
2 Same with threatening.
3 Far as I know it isnt yet illegal to display a "gun".[can you clean your gun in garage with door open?]
Distrubance might be the only one I could see. And that could include bumber stickers that could "incite" people(s) could it not?
Say anti abortion or anti gay stickers, I think those subjects are considered sacred cows and would upset the masses more than a chunk of plastic that looks like a gun?

Schueler I also thought of that, yeah it is good alternative.

As stated above how hysterical will the state and herd get and how easy is it to get them into a state of frenzy? No pun intended.

A picture of a black gun?
Would that be too disturbing to the masses?
Maybe they can pass an Ozzie style law that states if it reasonable looks like a firearm it is considered one.Then you would have to register your non gun after showing need and reason to own a piece of plastic or hard sourdough bread that looked like a gun.What an Idiotic law!

Or even say carrying a skeltonized stock 870 with mag ext and all black furniture and hardware. "Why do I have to carry it? well I dont have a locking safe and I am doing it to protect the children and myself since I am held liable for the crime if any child gains access."
An alternate would be to have a pistol rack in truck and say your going over to friends house, since its illegal to conceal a non locked (dont have lock box) pistol I'd have to have it "clearly visible" :)

Basically I am getting towards the fact that you can park in front of a firehydrant as long as you are in the vehicle and can move it immediatly if need arises. IIRC it doesnt have to be running? Either way most would say the Cal VC says its illegal when it is not.

I also think a large percentage of bg's wouldn't mess with someone, for all they know, holding SMG'S and who knows what else in their vehicle. I know if I were doing crime I'd look for an easier target.But then again criminals arent the brightest stars in the sky!

This extreme mentality of causing trouble stems form the likes of Don "I got my ccw you dont" Perata.
Who told that female olympic shooter to move to another state if she wants to shoot her gun, as it is an assault pistol in this state.
Well maybe don should move since he is an A$$! Where is a pissed off MTA bus driver when you need one?

Sorry for a rambling rant. Just gettin tried of this disarmed state.
Hell if I were that girl I would shoot for a communist country. If I am gonna be treated like one I might as well clearly represent one that at least admits it.

Its kinda ironic that in commie countries like the former USSR and such I never heard of a piss ant politican messing with their shooters like we do now in this country.
"Maybe I'm in the wrong country?"
Sarcasm off.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited September 25, 2000).]
Could get your head used as a football if nothing else.Make sure you have good health insurance and a lawyer on call.Maybe someone following you with a vidio camera and you have a mike on you transmitting to a recorder.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.
Bee, yeah I guess full audio/video a la "enemy of the state" is needed to take a gun in your car to the range ;) Maybe I'LL just wear a pink squirt gun on my hip, then again it might be filled with some solvent that could injure the children. So maybe not.

I had better check health providers before driving to the range to shoot lest I be used to make a field goal huh?
Sounds like a tolerant view of guns or what looks like guns displayed in full view. Funny how you can open carry in most parts of nevada and mangage to keep your nogin in one cohesive package. I guess that shows how F'd up this state is.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.

Carry concealed so as not to spook the herd. "Some TFL Member?"

Some Problems require an LGM-118A Solution.
i have been wondering:
What if i mounted PVC sparrow air to airs on my jeeps roof rack...

Brownells sells the red HKs to anyone

Okay.. I'm betting that the silluette (sp?) of an MP5 will not be as recognizeable to the general public to that of an AR-15/M16. So therefore, I suggest you alter your idea just a tad bit to incorporate a more recognizeable firearm. If you really want to push it.. why not an AK-47? :D

President, FUD's Fan Club.
After you are shot repeatedly by your local force, I expect to read Massad Ayoob's explanation in American Handgunner as to why the shooting was completely justifiable.

Similar to his current piece on why Diallo was hosed by the NYPD. Did you know that he was a CRIMINAL? He was trying to stay in the USA by fudging his claim for political asylum and he sold some bootlegged tapes at his little stand in NYC. KILL HIM!!

So Ayoob recommends that citizens should know that if you reach for your wallet you will be killed. I guess shooting you with your MP-5
toy would be expected.

Actually, #4 would be a reasonable shoot if you were whacky with the cops.
I repeat, do it.

Obeying ridiculous laws gets us nowhere. It gives them power, and the more power they have, the more they want.

First it was no weapons in schools: guns, bows, etc. Then it was anything that might be used as a weapon: pocket knives, nail clippers, and now it's pictures of weapons. Why? Because we let them.

Perhaps there are better ways to point out that we won't let them tell us how to live our lives, but at least what oberkommando proposes is a way. Unfortunately, most of us on here propose doing things just because we think the power-mad dictators that we live under won't like it.
Enoch, I got no front lisence plate or working horn! I had better get em fixed or that could do me in right there :D

Mikul did you mean oppose doing things that the big brother doesnt like?, either way if they are thinking like I have great, they will be bucking the soccor mommies, and if they think different It is understandable not to want attention to be drawn to you over this, lest they think you are part of the vast right wing conspiracy to uphold the constitution?

KaMaKaZe, do they make the red gun in AK-47?
Yes I agree that would be better, especially considering how much the media love to say it. I just thought of the mp5 because I have seen one for sale near by.
I researched it in Kali law...It is Penal Code 417.4 IMITATION FIREARM and a misdemeanor, but you have to draw or exhibit it in a threatening manner (which probably includes a truck rack, especially in Kali! Crime elements: 1)any person to,2) except in self-defense,3)draw or exhibit 4)an imitation firearm 5)in a threatening manner against another person 6) in such a way as to cause a reasonable person apprehension or fear of bodily harm. For purposes of this section, an imitation firearm means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable (stupid) person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.

I am sure Kali law could make it stick even though it supposedly isn't in a threatening manner if its on a rack. A prosecuting lawyer would have a field day with that! All those Kali people get scared if someone looks at them wrong let alone has a fake gun in their car!

On another note... LEO's would probably stop you as a felony stop because our favorite gang bangers have caught on and started to paint real guns bright red or the tips of them red and are shooting cops with them! Not a good idea to be riding around with one in your car, you might get shot if you make a wrong move!
Thats pretty thin.

I understand what your getting at and that is as close to a law as I was asking about.

But saying a rifle rack whick is expressly designed to house or contain firearms is exhibiting in a threatening manner is a little far out there, even for this state.
Say I were going to shoot trap and put shotgun on rifle rack, would it be illegal to drive to range that way? See where I am going with this?

As to felony stops is the suspect guilty before the cops exit their vehicle? Sounds like enoch was right on the money about certain attitudes these days. I guess I may need to lock and load on way to range in the future, but then again there will be no more ranges left in kalifornia so I guess It may be unneccessary.
Until then a little lexan may indeed be neccessary.

Food for thought get rid of the rifle rack and install a dash mounted shotgun rack like the police use. Would this form of transportation be threatening? I dont think so. If it were they would have to start blaming the vehicle itself as causing the weapon to be threatening, and thats paper thin.[because it isnt a police car, but what about undercover? some have racks dont they?]

Definitly dont have the money to battle the DA but would like to see a dream team take one apart on something like this.

With regard to painting some or part red see opion 4 "ALL BLACK."

Seems typical that someone that isnt a criminal would be carrying a fake gun that looks real while a criminal would be carrying a real gun that looks fake, that about says it all for kalifornia.

Thanks for replys.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited September 28, 2000).]